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Replacing outer CV joint rubber boot.

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Replaced the passenger side outer CV boot today. I was going to take pictures but dropped thewheel on my camera. For anyonecontemplating doing this below is the way I did it.

  1. Pour a glass of wine in an old glass cause it's going to get dirty. (Optional) Sip regularly during the following.

  1. Remove hubcap

  1. Remove the great big nut on the end of the driveshaft. It's tight! Tip:- I use a socket, a short extension and a T-bar. Get a jack or whatever, put the socket on the nut then place the jack under the outer part of the extension and adjust it to support it level with the nut. This stops the socket twisting when you put some weight on it. Get an extension for the T-bar and leap up and down on it till the nut loosens. Do not completely remove it at this point.

  1. Jack up the car and remove the wheel.

  1. Next undo the six splined bolts that hold on the inner CV joint. Use a thin screwdriver to clean the muck out of the spline sockets on the nuts, it builds up and prevents the spline fully locating. Stick a screwdriver into the vent slots on the disc and let it jam against the caliper. This prevents the driveshaft turning when you undo the bolts. Undo the bolts. I use a twelve inch extension and a four inch one joined together, brings the ratchet handle out where you can actually turn it, tap the end of the spline bit into the bolt to fully locate it. You will have to remove the screwdriver to rotate the joint to get at all the bolts.

  1. Remove the big driveshaft nut.

  1. Undo the pinch bolt on the lower ball joint and lever the joint free. This can be a really annoying fiddly bit.

  1. This will allow the hub to be pulled toward you while pulling the driveshaft out of it. A bit of wiggling may be required.

  1. Lift the driveshaft free and relocate to a bench, table or driveway.

  1. Remove clips from old boot and cut it off.

  1. Give the inner part of the CV joint a sharp smackwith a hammer, it's held in position with C-clip on the shaft, it should pop off. Make a note of the position of the spacer and washer on the driveshaft.

  1. Clean out all the old grease and crap from everything. Repack with clean grease. I fill the inside of the joint first then use the driveshaft to force the grease in from the inside of the joint using the hydraulic pressure it creates.

  1. Slip the new boot onto the driveshaft and replace the washer and spacer then the CV joint. Tighten the clips then reverse the above to replace.

  1. Refill wine glass and sit and look for ants while feeling smug that you've saved a few bob.

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After much routing around, swearing & grazed knuckles I have found an old wine glass the Mrs won't miss (shame the same cant be said about her wine).


Cheers for the write up wullie, have this on my to do list.

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In Word they all had different numbers. The ants must have screwed them up.


After much routing around, swearing & grazed knuckles I have found an old wine glass the Mrs won't miss (shame the same cant be said about her wine).


Need any ants?


---------- Post added at 1:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------


I am not obsessed with ants. Honest.

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i like ants!



did mine the other day after finding several mm of cv boot grease on the inside of my wheel, found out the old cv boot WAS zip tied on and looks like it had been chewed by a dog, all sorted now! messy stuff! also used the bottle as my drinking beaker rather than the a glass!





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