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Fire Extinguishers (and why you need one)

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You've obviously not watched the video. ;-)


Don't need to mate. I've done a little firefighting in my time! :onfire:

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This is a top thread i have been a fire sprinkler fitter for 10 years and know the dangers of fire very well although have been a little remis although i do carry fire extinquishers i feel a better system would be beneficial!

I saw these advertised the other day http://www.vwheritage.com/vw_spares_Fire-Extinguisher-DAUS-Low-Pressure-1Kg-Dry-Powder-Vertical-AC999E001_act_shop.product_pID_139050754_lang_EN_country_GB.htm?crumbStartPage=1&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=air&utm_content=98-aug13&utm_campaign=daus

and whereas i am thinking primarily about my vw t25 which has a wbx6 engine in and generates an awful lot of heat compared with a a 4 cylinder and especially with the engine out back if it did catch on fire it might be a bit late by the time you stop! a full on halon system is the way to go really! but if this helps i could run around the back drop the number plate flap and stick the co2 in

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Problem with Halon is that its very dangerous if inhaled. I don't know the legalities surrounding it in public areas or for public usage. We have them in our engine rooms and it is very very affective. Even when we're wearing BA we need to vacate if its gonna be used. Although obviously if we're likely to loose further compartments by delaying, those in the space are ultimately expendable!

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its a bit like R12 and R22 and lead based paints /fuel the good stuff has all been banned but for sound environmental reasons!

but life goes on and we have to make do with what we can get :bonk:

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Halon's been illegal for years, so long in fact that it's now quite difficult to legally dispose of it. I believe for the military / aerospace applications where they still have halon-based installations or portable extinguishers it's legal to put a genuine fire out with one but then impossible to get the system refilled! The best industrial ones use liquid nitrogen now (cools + smothers) but as with halon it's not ideal if there are people inside...


A lot of naval equipment has a CO2 injection port so you can fill it with gas without opening the casing and letting more oxygen in, which is quite a good idea. I've seen some horrific shots of modern car fires where the magnesium alloy used in sports car chassis has eventually caught and there's the square root of naff-all left of the car afterwards :suprised:



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