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do you enjoy driving your corrado, or worry too much about its condition?

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Have spent a lot of money on mine, its looks very average still, bodywork isn't mint condition but i've tried to treat any rust (i don't want it rusting away, even if it won't be worth a great deal if/when i come to sell it) I couldn't just let something deteriorate and claim its because i'm too busy enjoying it to look after the car properly.


I keep it the best condition i can and find buying new parts worthwhile

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I'm a bit of a paradox. I love Corrados and the attention they receive, but shy away from shows / meets.


I hate cleaning it, but I like it it look good!


I'm just glad it's not a rusting pile otherwise I'd have binned it long ago. Two things I won't tolerate with cars: rust and blue smoke!

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I think if we all had inexhaustable funds to lavish on our Weapon Of Choice, there'd be a lot more 'mint' Corrados out there. I'm at the stage where i really need to have to have some bodywork done as it's starting to look a little tired now. But it's finding the dosh to get it done - i certainly can't afford an everything off, windows out respray.... as much as my beloved C needs it.


I think i've had mine for about 7 years now and i've kept it as well maintained as i can. I've only had one major garage bill in all that time, so for the most part, i guess i've been lucky that it's only needed regular bits and pieces to keep it on the road in a road-worthy condition. I would really LOVE to splash out about 15K to bring up to (virtually) 'as new' condition, and i'd be totally prepared to do this - no second thoughts about it. So c'mon you lottery balls...... do your stuff. Just once. Please. :D

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I'll like driving it even more later on in the week - In the process of refurbing ignition system, just had a call from VW to say my bits have arrived!


When my Corrado is kicking butt and running solid, I love driving it. The f*cker seriously makes me grin like a maniacal maniac.


When it's choking up and holding back (hence ignition swap) I initially want nothing to do with it - It's a car at the end of the day, one that normally requires your undivided attention though! But then I remember why I bought it in the first place - Because I love it. It's a brut, it sounds like a brut, and drives like a brut. Modern cars bore me to death and my C is easy to work on. For me it's engine over looks any day. A car's worth d*ck if the engine is no good regardless of how polished, buffed, dipped in gold - whatever your motor is. Body work has always been a secondary requirement for me. Trick is - Get a nice straight car from the beginning and keep it straight! A wash and wax once in a while is always worth doing, and don't let rust form in the first place.


My last point would be,


Corrado's aren't an investment - We pour money into them because they're bad ass. If you want to see a return on your investment then buy a 67 Fastback or a 57 Porsche Speedster (also bad ass)

Edited by tentonhammer

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And that's why you need two of them. One good for knocking about in and one minter for the weekends.


cough 3 cough cough!

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Im sort of caught in the middle of the 2. I like to keep the car clean and polished etc and take care where i park it etc. But dont have the inclination to spend thousands on it and obsessing over cleaning the every little nut and bolt.


If needed id spend the money on getting the body work sorted or a new engine. The engine i have done, but thats because it needed it. At the end of the day cars are meant to be used and i find it being locked up in a garage but pristine, more of a shame than it getting dents but being used. Each to their own i guess.

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Lately I have a spider tenant that live in my wing mirror and I drive the raddo complete with wing mirror cobweb that they have made :)

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Lately I have a spider tenant that live in my wing mirror and I drive the raddo complete with wing mirror cobweb that they have made :)


Corr! Talk about living life on the edge :cool:

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Lately I have a spider tenant that live in my wing mirror and I drive the raddo complete with wing mirror cobweb that they have made :)
This drives me crackers. I currently have an arachnid inhabitant in my passenger side wing mirror. The little sod makes a fesh web evey night. I'm taking the motor down the Polish car wash at the w/end so i'll get them to jet-hose the little bugger out of there. Harrrumph. :D

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This drives me crackers. I currently have an arachnid inhabitant in my passenger side wing mirror. The little sod makes a fesh web evey night. I'm taking the motor down the Polish car wash at the w/end so i'll get them to jet-hose the little bugger out of there. Harrrumph. :D


It's always seems to be the passenger side wing mirror too??

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It's always seems to be the passenger side wing mirror too??
You're not wrong. I had three of the little beasties in there over the last year. :(

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Mine is full of spiders because of all the garden waste I dump in it. I'll often go on a long trip and feel something crawling up my arm :lol:


What amazes me is how long they can survive in a car with no food!! What the hell are they eating, apart from Pasty crumbs that get dropped down the sides of the seat?

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Mine is full of spiders because of all the garden waste I dump in it. I'll often go on a long trip and feel something crawling up my arm :lol:


What amazes me is how long they can survive in a car with no food!! What the hell are they eating, apart from Pasty crumbs that get dropped down the sides of the seat?

This has often mystified me. That said, Pasty crumbs are quite nutritious... even though they'd have to forrage for them down your cracks. :D

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