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Anybody done or doing degree in Mechanical Engineering ??

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Basically I'm planing to do some other oil/gas or health and safety courses in my own time to give me better start when I finish college and uni. Still have 4 ears to go as just started but trying to get as much qualification as possible in this 4 years.


There is plenty of expensive related courses but which are the best, which one give me the best possible qualification ?? I know it probably depends what I plan to do after finishing uni but the answer is that I don't really know yet, so anything considered so far.


Thanks in advance.

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Have a look into iosh as they cover a lot of h&s management. Would think they cover mechs



Sorry come from civils so can't help with specifics

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I did it as part of serving my time, id say look for courses like coshh and other stuff a company wouldnnt expect you to have,its best to find out what area your going into and see what courses are needed like for me my abrasive wheels safety course,coshh and a few others a i cant remember but its different for every trade area

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I may be able to help you here but i need more info i.e. are you currently studying mechanical engineering at degree level or are you at college doing a lower course?


Its very hard to recommend courses unless we know what modules your degree covers and if it contains any practical experience/a year placement (i served my time then did my degree alongside my job) as if so its very likely things such as COSHH and a lot of the IOSH would be covered there before you were even allowed onto an operational site.



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