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VW oil px gauge pod - do these look like the right wires?

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I bought a vod gauge pod from a member on here (new one a while back from Pat - not used) and need a bit of help with the wiring. I have read all the posts on here and it seams that a few people mention late cars having the wiring for it behind the dash and I wondered/hope I have found the wires!!


The wires are behind the ash tray and look like they go to a terminal block that is not attached to anything which made me think it could be the wires I need. The pictures are taken from the drivers and pax. footwell.


Any thoughts that I might be on the right track?


Thanks Smudge

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I bought the same thing as you, through the same person and have the same 'spare' connections behind the centre console at low level. Pretty sure they're not for the oil/volt gauge though....


Try PMing Dave16v as he fitted his a while back and seemed to have it all sussed.



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Thanks for the replies. I noticed the connectors were different but thought that might be to fit them through the rubber grommet in the top of the gap where the pod


Any idea what the wires are for - just curious now what they are for.



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Anyone know what these wire are for - I am terrible with electrics:) knowing my luck if I start messing with them I will start a fire!!


Do older cars have the same few wires - very strange to have them hidden back there not doing anything - could they be aircon stuff?


Thanks Smudge.

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