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Stuff you find in cars

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When I got my van a few years ago we removed the old interior and found quite a bit of cash (including a flaking fiver) along with pens, old shopping receipts and such.


Not long after getting my Corrado I found a few quid in loose change in it and just yesterday I found another pound coin hiding under the carpet.


So what's the strangest thing you've found in a car you've bought? Any cash windfalls or bizarre items?

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Always had problems with money shooting out my pocket in my previous VR's, when I finally stripped my mk3 I found 14 quid in total under my carpet :-)

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  CazzaVR said:
A small packet of an illegal substance! Class A! Found under the seat in my first VR.


Let's face it, you have to be high to Gabe to want to buy a Corrado nowadays :)

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I got Matthew Abela's old corrado (the lad who had DumptyBoys headlights) and i found my tax money, what was used yesterday to tax it haha. along with about 3 bags of McDonalds wrappers, 4 pork sandwiches and 2 bottles of coke :D

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Picked up a classic Range Rover Softdash off eBay a few years ago. It was almost factory fresh and when giving it a good clean found 2 shotgun cartridges hidden inside amongst other less interesting bits and pieces. I suppose the shotgun rack in the boot should have given me a clue...I miss that old V8 beast

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my favourite thing is getting a free CD!

ive had celine deon & bryan adams greatest hits in recent purchases but my favourite was the R32 had a harddrive on the headunit with every queen album on it! :camp:

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I found a few quid in my Green Corrado under the carpet along with a tampon, I again found a few quid just laying on top of the VR6 carpet when I got that!

I found a 10mm Snap-on spanner under the rear seat of my White Corrado aswell.Corrados are great for finding things,haha.

But best of all I found a set of keys for an Aston Martin under the rear seat of a Merc, that was a suprise!

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I braked particularly hard in the C one day and the missing square fusebox clip emerged in the footwell :D

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A rastas dread !


Stripped a seat and found a lovely small letter sent from a daughter to her mother (love you mum, thanks for this and that etc etc) It wasn't dated but it appeared very old. Smiles all day after that.


The packet of crayons in the rear wheel well didn't elevate my spirits quite the same.

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Haha, these are all ace!


I have just remembered I also found a very rusty molegrip wedged between the bumper and radiator - it was clamping the hose for the headlamp washers after someone apparently made a balls-up of repairing it!

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I do some work for a local used car dealer & regularly find cd's,recently Nirvana,Queen,Billy Joel. Coins,tools,de-icer,car cleaning products & all sorts.A nice bonus!

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I inherited a 1972 beetle back in 1994.....found a 20 deck of Benson's in the glovebox and as i was a poor student that smoked at the time, I sparked one right up.

The fags must have been at least 10 years old and just burst into flames when lit.........still smoked them all though, carefully ;)

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  Hofmiester said:
I inherited a 1972 beetle back in 1994.....found a 20 deck of Benson's in the glovebox and as i was a poor student that smoked at the time, I sparked one right up.

The fags must have been at least 10 years old and just burst into flames when lit.........still smoked them all though, carefully ;)



my mate bought a house earlier this year who's previous owner had been there all her life and died in her 80s.

on the day he moved in we went round for a look and the place looked like it had been untouched for years.. I found a couple of 'dot cotton' menthols on top of the bathroom cabinet, complete with dust on. Put them into my packet and casually pulled one out to offer to him. he took a couple of puffs before working out something was wrong and was dry wretching when i finally broke enough tears to tell him. He still finished it though! :pukeright:

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  Stonejag said:
I braked particularly hard in the C one day and the missing square fusebox clip emerged in the footwell :D


I found a fusebox clip when i was giving my VR a clean under the drivers seat. Didn't realise how 'precious' they were at the time.

Also found a cover for the screws on the speedo. Again not realising at the time how lucky i was.

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i was cleaning a golf mk4 gttdi out once, found literally a whole set of nails in the back, and when i say whole, i mean fingers and toes, there was loads of them. eurghh

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A battered, and very tired looking 1976 beetle bought for £50 for my bro and I to hang out in with mates etc when we were younger.


Chap knocks on the window and offers £400 for the wheels - Turns out they were Porsche Cookie Cutter alloys!

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In our new 1975 Citroen Dyane (sorry!) under the rubber mat - souvenir from the factory - empty Gauloise packet. Fortunately no French letters.

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apart from the usual broken glass under the back seats that i seem to find in most of the cars that i buy.....bought back my first satin vr from the guy who id sold it to and under the rear seat found a pen-drive with loads of tunes and stuff that i'd lost 18 months previous!

Theres a little slot in the centre console on mk4 golfs that swallows bank cards etc under braking - we retrieved my mates gym card from there + a full history of parking tickets from previous owners, boots advantage card and book of stamps.

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When i was stripping the rear seats out of the Nugget before it went to the body shop i found an old 10p piece and a Slush Puppy Sticker :lol: definitely an 80's car.

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