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lightened & balanced fly-wheel

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Not sure how much the big crank seal is, I got it cheap as part of a job lot of timing chain bits I bought at inters last year for £35. I think the seal is about £20 on it's own.


Dealers will charge £900 for the work to do all the chains.


I wouldn't let an "average spanner monkey" on the car.....use a VW specialist who knows the VR6 engine inside out. like Stealth for instance.


78K isn't high mileage for a VR6. but once it get's past 100K you need those chains doing.

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ok cheers for that....... just tryin 2 find a way 2 get more performance without being stung by the insurance, well to be insured in the 1st place. Direct Line's official statement is no more mods for me (that they will know about!)!

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3.94 final drive.....feels like another 50BHP, the insurance will never know (and it wouldn't put up your premium if they did).

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that is also something I've been considering.. if u don't mind me asking, what sorta outlay can I expect? I take it 3.94 is going to aid my b-road battles no end

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damn right it is. brand new it's only about £200, but add onto that the price for a full rebuild, and you'll want a proper diff whislt you're in there, so you'll be looking at a grand to sort the box.


worht it though, much better than anything you could buy for the engine for the same money (except maybe a full on direct port nitrous kit.)

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god u people are amazin ( don't get big heads now! ) I always imagined LSD's to cost a complete packet, but thats pretty reasonable considering the benefits.... you do realise tho u 2 have just completely balls-ed up my savings plan!

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Stealth has just rebuilt my G60's gearbox for me...


Quaife LSD (which I know Phat'd never go near, but is still a good diff! :-P ) rebuild with new bearings and a VR6 1st and 2nd gear... I could have swapped final drive ratios while I was at it, but decided against it at the time...


All in cost was just shy of £1300.... it's not the cost of the parts that hurts, it's the labour costs as gearbox stripping and rebuilding takes time and skill to do properly... 8)

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Yeah Gearboxes are Vince's thing...... can't think of many people that can build them as well as him and yes, the labour involved with boxes is huge! Also, new gears from VW are £120 each! Helical cut gears rarely need replacing, so s/hand ones should be OK. In fact, I think all of the highly stressed metal parts in boxes are expensive...... not a cheap road to go down.


£1300....sheesh...think I might hold off on that for a while longer :roll:

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you can probably knock £300 off that for your VR box... I had to get hold of the new gears in mine which is where some of that cost came from... 8)

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Exactly, especially when you consider the extra grip and acceleration you get and you've effectively got a box that'll last another 10 years :D

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Got car back last night-its amazing the difference new clutch and flywheel can make-always had loads of movement from gearbox when changing gears and low down acceleration-its alot smoother now.Clutch feels bit light but cant complain.Only one thing-going into second is a bit tight (feels like Mums MK3 GTI)-i know theres a post somewhere showing this can be adjusted slightly-can some1 direct me to it or explain how to do it.Also got my old flywheel back the ring gear has worn away in places-could this be put on lathe and fixed-mibby lightened?


Cheers Fraser

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Hey all,


I am looking to get my G60 flywheel lightened and balanced. Have been trying to contact Ridgeway Racing to get a quote and turnaround time but no response. Are there any other companies in Uk that will do them and what are their contact details?





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Hmm, strange. I hope he hasn't shut up shop before refunding me!


I'll ask my mate, he knows the guy personally.

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Managed to fix the problem with second-when they connected the gear linkage back up they left one of the fat electric cables for fan or something going under it.



Cheers Fraser

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