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Interior condensation

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Does anyone else experience bad condensation inside the car. Its like its got its own micro climate in there.


I took my car out for a drive yesterday...parked it up. When I returned 40 min later the cars all steamed up inside to the point you cant see in (could be a non mentioned security feature who needs tinted out windows :).


The VR is not my daily drive and have only noticed this during these cold wet days its steams up pretty bad to the point the rear boot windscreen are turing to droplets. Granted my lower boot trims are still to be fitted back after I have taken them off a while ago not sure if that will make a difference.

Edited by VWVW

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Mine never used to be, but i've noticed it recently.


I used to use it about 4-6 times a day, but its just sat for 18months so i'm hoping it will all dry out soon.

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Blocked/damaged foliage seal (passenger side under bonnet by windscreen) allowing water inside?

Blocked door drainage holes or damaged/missing inner door membranes allowing water ingress?

Heater matrix?

Blocked sunroof drain points?

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I've always been using this from Halffords: http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_169605_langId_-1_categoryId_165745


It's small enough to sit behind my passenger seat. It last's for quite long, once used.. you can buy replacement filling-bag (so no need for new box).

Hard to say how well it works I also re-did my indoor membranes, still for the price it's worth giving a shot.


edit: Mine rear window does steam a bit... but nowhere even close to see droplets and such (as you describe) so may have diff problem somewhere else.

Edited by guildmage

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door membranes are a bu99er, a small opening, even if water doesn't drip into the car, means that water that sits inside the door skin after rain or melted frost, will evaporate and then condense on glass surfaces inside the car

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My rear screen does seem to do it quite a bit. But the de-mister seems to work okay. Thing I find, because they're so well sealed, when I get in the car with wet shoes, it has nowhere to evaporate to.


Check the seal on the lower part of the screen. I've seen two cars where the metal has rusted through. Because of where it is, it's not always obvious.

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i noticed exactly the same today when i went back to the works carpark

about an hour after parking up.

but my mates 09 octavia was worse than my storm

and my 08 vw t5 front screen takes ages to clear!!!

so i wouldnt worry too much


cheers paul

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Yep ! and it pi55es me off ! haha , think theres a bit of a leak somewhere on mine tho , gonna start with door seals , then windscreen (odd drop creeps through when it lashes down)

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Ha funny you mention this, I said exactly the same thing last week, after parking in tesco and coming out half an hour later all windows were steamed up yet a friends ford focus had perfectly clear windows. Might have to invest in one of those moisture bags. :)

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the matrix is 40 or 50 quid, plus a day taking bits out from under the dash, it's fiddliy but not rocket-science, either have a go yourself (guide on the forum) or find someone who'll do it for a few quid cash in hand one weekend, you don't need to remove the whole dash.

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