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what to do??

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well my friends,i have a bit of a predicament!!i have a project on the go just now which is a satin silver g60!!i bought her with a blown charger but mr john mitchell soon sorted that.she is solid underneath and the interior is very good indeed.all she needs is a re-spray and she would be mint!!my problem is that i have decided to head to new zealand later in the year and cant decide wheather to finish her or sell her.i aint breakin her thats for sure!!the lock up costs £175 a month and im not sure wheather i spend the cash to get her a1 and never get it back or just try and find someone who will buy her as she is and cut my losses!!decisions decisions????

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If you're leaving the country then my vote goes to selling it. You won't recover the money spent on a respray.

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£175 a month for a lockup? I should count my blessings that I only pay £25 a month!

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£175 a month for a lockup? I should count my blessings that I only pay £25 a month!

Exactly what i was thinking when i saw his post (got a feeling this is more than your normal garage size)

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imho dont bother with a respray, far to many people on these car forums seem obsessed with perfect paint for shows and alot of vws get broken for spares because the paint apparently isnt good enough , just get the car mecanicaly good and enjoy it, as much as i like perfect paint i wouldnt pay for it, aslong as it drives as it should then that realy is the main thing, use it and enjoy it while you can

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well it sounds like that is quite expensive going by you guys costs.it is a fair size but i aint gettin 2 cars in it!!cheap compaired to other options around here!!

i maybe would have vw owneR but ive gone too far to turn back!!

brad v8 i havnt thought that over yet.i bought it for 900 and spent another 600 on the charger but not sure what i could sell it for tbh!!

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"i bought it for 900 and spent another 600 on the charger but not sure what i could sell it for tbh"


yea i know what you mean , just sold my mk2 golf , was hard to put a price on it, i wanted it gone and a quick sale so i sold it for a little below what it owd me, money lost but it aint costing me anything anymore and i dont have to pay the extra insurance premium this week so its money saved lol , but i dont think your to far into it, unless theres other things aswell? when you get into respray teritory then thats the point of no return and money loss, haven spent money on the charger that is deffinalty a selling feature, idd deffo look into renting somewhere else though, i got realy lucky with my shed £10 a week! can fit 2 cars there nicely and a solid concrete floor!! its not what you know but who you know :)

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well that is a total winner!!2 cars u say??give u a £5 for the othe half!!yeh im caught between two minds here.i dont want to give up on her cos shes too good to break but she is costing me money at all times!!i cant ever get my money back just selling her or even if i get her finished but everyone knows that corrados are money pits but worth it!!my last g60 which i spent around £6k on went up in flames!!do not store a car in a hay barn coz mice live there also!!and insurance is handy!!not that i had any!!

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yea i had to put the work in to get it useable as it hadnt been used in over 15years! make benches install lights and change the layout and get alot of stuff dumped and clean up 15years of dust and spiders, but its well worth it!!, well with your rent its only costing you more each day, any reason you cant use it as a daily as it is?

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