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So whos been up Snowdon?

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Went well although we didn't make it to the top!


We walked the Watkins path and got 90% of the way but couldn't get any further as it was too dangerouse. Could hardly tell where the track was so decided it was best to head back.


Got quite few photos and will put a few up tomorrow.


Ice axes were a god send and very much appreciated :D

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Well done - I thought it would be icy and misty today, there, but didnt want to rain on your parade!

Yes - never go in winter conditions without an ice axe - fundamental since the year dot.

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We were very lucky with the weather. No rain or hardly any wind on the whole trip. Got rather foggy toward the sumit but when the clouds broke we had great views

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Heres a few photos from the days trip








Me looking a bit tired



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Cracking shots Jake. Probably wise to turn back when you did - always a tough decision. Its still there for another day

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Ya we thought it was best to as it was near vertical in snow up to our thighs! Its not going any where so we will be back.


This is the path we took and we got to the bit towards the end where it gets very zig zaggy. The map doesnt do it justic to how steep it actually is


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