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Fitting supersport coilovers

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Im pretty sure someone here saying they fitted these themselves ( Henny? ) and I have to do mine at the weekend. I wanted to put new everything on, so new top mounts ect but not sure what else I need.


Basically what do I need to keep and what can I throw away?

Also can I just wind the springs down when fitting so I dont need a spring compressor?

Last thing, where can I get the c spanners for adjusting them?


Thanks in advance people :wink:

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Basically what do I need to keep and what can I throw away?



2 VR top mounts - they are the toughest of the corrado top mounts.

you might want to get new nuts and bolts for the lower front struts too.....these can be quite corroded and u need to be he man to wind the nut off what seems like 3 ft of threads. The revised bolts are also thinner so you camber can be adjusted through a wider range.



another two bolts these ones go through the botom of the strut and into a nut on the inside of the rear beam tubing....the nut is held onto the rear beam by a small metal braket....a bolt head came off when I was taking my stock items off, so you might want to have them spare incase it happens to you...its only a couple of pounds and it stops you being car-less for a few days if they do break. You can also get new rubber top mounts for the rear.


I think these are the only things worth replacing at the same time.


Also can I just wind the springs down when fitting so I dont need a spring compressor?

Last thing, where can I get the c spanners for adjusting them?



You can wind down the spring platforms so you dont need a coil spring compressor, but you might need the C spanner to wind the platforms back up against the spring....... No idea where to get them, my Leda kit came with 2 c spanners.

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the supersport kit should come with a C spanner for adjusting the heights... other than that, I think Andy's got it covered with that little lot! 8)

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Na the supersport dont come wit c spanners you have to get these seprate... :roll: ask for richard in venom he will sort ya out...


mind you can ajd them without but it is not recomended coz you want them done nice and tight... you don't want as your dirving for them to get lower and lower... LOL

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Na the supersport dont come wit c spanners you have to get these seprate... :roll: ask for richard in venom he will sort ya out...


mind you can ajd them without but it is not recomended coz you want them done nice and tight... you don't want as your dirving for them to get lower and lower... LOL


Mine did... Richard made sure it had them in the box, and it was printed on the side that it included them... :?

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:cry: i had to pay £30 extra for mine :cry:


You was had mate... :? :(

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LOL :-( i was had


heres the proof :cry:



£28.20 :cry:


and to fit the coilover my local garage charged me £250... :cry: was that too much ! probally....

i hate how garages see the letters CORRADO then add an extra £200 on things... i was also quoted the other day £100 to fit my 50mm inlet....


:cry: why can'r anybody do it cheaper since i'm a student.....

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Bloody hell! Glad I did mine myself now. Was the first time I've done anything with suspension and it was surprisingly easy.


Moral of the story - give it a go yourself and don't line someone elses pockets!

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:cry: yeah i will never learn.... mind you i give my mate down the road £20 for an oil change every 2 months mind you i have to provide the oil.... still good tho.. i don't get dirty that way.. and my cars oil stays nice and clean

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Fuck man you must have one sore ass, im pretty glad i fitted mine myself although i never got any C spanners but i did get the spray shit, As far as fitting them goes it looks like andy has ye covered, top job 8)

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Ok spoke to venom today and asked the guy if supersports came with spanners. His reply was no. I then asked him how comes some people had got them with the kits and some hadn't? His reply was if they have any kicking around they chuck them in the boxes :?


I smell something funny, sounds like they take them out then sell them on to make more money on them to me.


As a P.s, I take it the vr6 top mounts are a straight swap? Best from VW or someone like euro car parts?


Cheers everyone

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I bought the top mounts from G&S about £20.. on the C spanners, I thinks he's taking the piss mate!

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corradokid, probally!!! pisses me off just after buying them having to get more stuff when the advert clearly states FULL KIT ALL YOU NEED!!!! gurrrr


Bally, i was ripped off :( ohhh well loving the coilovers anyway... so i guess its ok! :mrgreen:

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Cool will get some next week then.


Have to say not going to use venom again, only brought two things from them. One being the coilovers with no C spanners, and the other a reiger grill which was way dearer than the other place you can get them from :cry:



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