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Changing The Rear Wiper Motor

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Has any one done this? Just trying to get a feel of how complicated (or not!) a job

this is? Have a new motor on the way from a seller off Fleabay, and i'm going to

attempt it at the weekend (weather permitting). Cheers! :cool:

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It's a fiddley job but take your time and try to relax a bit and you'll be ok :) the key is to not rush as you need to take a fair few bits off to get to it so take a few pictures as you go too.

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I removed this from my last C and was a bit fiddly! but as kip says just take your time and it'll wriggle out eventually..

I think I followed a guide of how to do it on here and was really helpful and clear! Only took about half an hour but I didn't put a motor back in, just removed it and plonked a bung in the hole.

Good luck :)


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Thanks guys, appreciate your collective input. I'll give it my best shot on Saturday if it isn't tipping it down!!

Cheers!! :)

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I'm no mechanic (.....) but managed this ok. It's just a bit tricky cos the spoiler motor is there as well. There is a guide somewhere on this forum but you wil be ok

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I'm in favour of removing it personally, the spoiler catches the dirt nicely and improves visibility out the back...


Fairly easy to do but slightly awkward due the the position - sitting on the boot and also wriggling it past the spoiler mech.


One thing you need to be carefull with and maybe take pics is the wiring - it's not well insulated so much go back exactly where it was to prevent issues / shorting in the future.


Worth also having some spray wax handy to re-cavity wax the inside of the tailgate.

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I found the guide to remove it in the wiki thingummybob. Thanks for the further comments Super-Mod re the wiring and spray wax.

All info greatfully received. Cheers! :)

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