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Help! Made an enemy :(

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Always keep a full size Maglight in the car, a multitude of uses


..... this could turn into a far more interesting thread ...... I can only think of two uses :scratch:, care to expand :norty: !!!???

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I was not making any judgement. I was giving an alternative view of the scenario you described in your original post


" driving to the gym and some guy was sat right up my asre and decided to try and speed to overtake really close to me so I swerved a bit and stopped him over taking which got him angry."


There were no obstructions or oil in your way to cause you to block his overtaking maneuver, no matter how rash you thought it was.


I do agree that someone tailgating will have no time to react given that an emergency may occur which could easily result in an accident.


When I get someone tailgating me my method is to gradually reduce speed and let them past at the first opportunity. Once they are by you, your rear end is safe and they can go on their way and maybe annoy someone of their own ilk. I've always been more of a pacifist and would rather avoid confrontation.


The "alternative scenarios" I described were just that, alternative scenarios. I was 30 years in the Fire Service and have lost count of the number of RTA's caused by lesser actions than those you initially described.


As for your current predicament, if you had let him pass you wouldn't now be worrying about your car or person. As the old adage says "You reap what you sow."

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