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Cleaning the inside of sunroof

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Ok folk's does anyone know the best way to clean the inside of glass sunroof it is the dimply one.I was thinking of possibly a steamer have also heard somewhere that white vinegar is good for the job anyone got any suggestion's. Any help is much appreciated :help:

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My mum used to use diluted vinegar on her windows.


Personally I'd use glass cleaner.

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I use Auto Finesse Crystal glass cleaner. Works on my glass sunroof no problem. I wouldn't fancy using a steamer, you have no idea where the steam may end up - you don't want water getting into the deep innards of the mech; they are fragile enough as it is.

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I use Auto Finesse Crystal glass cleaner. Works on my glass sunroof no problem. I wouldn't fancy using a steamer' date=' you have no idea where the steam may end up - you don't want water getting into the deep innards of the mech; they are fragile enough as it is.[/quote']

I have a replacement which is not in the car which is the one i was going to clean.Is this Auto Finesse a cream or liquid cleaner? Thank's so far for the replies :D

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I'd try diluted vinegar first. It's cheap. It works, and using newspaper avoids smears.

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From what I can gather the glass sunroof's were only in the early corrado's which mine is a 91 you can't use a cream type window cleaner/polish because of the dimple's.I will give the old vinegar a try I cleaned it with a lint free cloth and some fairy it did clean it as the cloth was dirty after yet it still look's smeary it's a bit of a strange one but i will not be beaten cheer's JEZR the old newspaper one is one i have used in my past valeting day's.

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