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I'm an idiot, please HELP...URGENT

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So my 91 G60 was....fitted with a piranha alarm. But since I've owned it was always turned off.


Working in the bay today, I knocked the unit and it literally broke into two pieces.... Tracing some of the wires back toward they battery it was clear they weren't connected to anything... Obviously there are a lot more wires that went through the firewall.....


So clever me thought not much of it and decided to cut the unit out.....




And the car won't start....


Does anyone have any idea what I can connect to get her going again??

Edited by ausgolfer

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I'm guessing the alarm used to bypass some original Corrado wires, either fuel pump or ignition. And by removing the alarm you've now effectively left one of the car harness wires 'snipped'.


It's going to be a case of checking the car wiring loom to see if any wires have been left cut.


Either that or you've inadvertently unplugged a needed fuse box connection.. Which is easily done. Or even there is a trace of the alarm still there causing issues. You could have even removed something from the car loom by mistake?


Either way you need to start tracing the car loom. I'd be checking ignition and fuel pump wires around the fusebox side of things first. If it was me I'd be removing the dash to get a clear look at things and do it properly; you'll be surprised what wiring horrors may be lurking.

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Both of mine have been spliced in in the above-the-fusebox/below-the-steering-column area. Whip the covers off there and you're likely to find a factory wire that's chopped, with black alarm wire running across the car. I've got a recollection of green with an orange trace in my head, but I'd be surprised if that's right(!) Anyway, whatever you can find that's butchered, it should be easy enough to stick it back as intended. (solder and heatshrink unless you're planning another alarm - in which case you're likely to be chopping it back apart in the same place!)

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