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Auxiliary drive belt

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My auxiliary belt has come off and i need to get the car to a garage so i can get it on the ramp. The garage is about 2 miles away so can i drive the car without doing any further damage. I know i wont have the servo brakes or the power steering but i dont want to wreck anything else

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Mate, this is one of the easiest jobs you can do on a Corrado! No need for a ramp. Jim did a guide for the Sprinter a couple of years ago. Took me less than 30 mins to change mine on the drive. In answer to your question, you should be ok if it's such a short journey. Any longer and it will overheat pretty quickly. Just do it yourself ;)

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You will have servo brakes, but not power steering, alternator or most importantly the main water pump.

As said above it is a simple job to replace; you need an M8 bolt to release the tensioner and the correct belt, either with or without airconditioning. Its much easier if you take the airbox and associated ducting off.


Best wishes



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  redborbet said:
Hmmm beed to do my squeeky belt , is there a prefered make of belt ?

Also, make sure the bolts holding the tensioner to the head are torqued correctly. If they're not quite tight enough then the belt will squeak :)

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Thanks guys, I was thinking about having a go myself so you've just given me the kick I needed. My local VW stealer wanted £76 for the belt but I've managed to get one for £26 via a specialist in Cardiff!

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I've managed to get the belt on, but I can't get it to stay on! The tensioner looks to be doing its job but the belt just keeps creeping off. i noticed that one of the two centre pulleys is quite smooth, is this supposed to be like this?

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Cheers roger / stone ill make sure i check that wen i do mine

Not sure but i think some belt have a different amount of ribs. Not sure exactly though

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I've got a 95vr with the diavia air con so assumed i needed the longer belt, is this correct....excuse my ignorance? if the weather is ok tomorrow i'm going to double check that all the pulleys are actually working properly

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Yeah the intermediate pulley is smooth not ribbed. Where is it slipping off from? The toothed pulleys should have lips, and don't forget to remove the bolt from the tensioner. If the belt is correct, it'll be very slightly smaller than the old belt due to wear.

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