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Robrado's Rado new question end of first post

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Hi all

Well what I thought was the fuel pump causing my starting problems isn't . I can't check the bar pressure until next week though . I've looked through the search at similar problems , but can't see any the answer I need . The car is struggling to fire and very spluttery , it won't tick over till it gets warm . Usually as you will know when you fire up a Vr it runs fast then the revs drop and it sits at idol . Mine however has stopped doing this and tries to sit at idol straight away , the revs are bouncing up and down all over the place . I have over the last 500 miles replaced the dizzy and hall sender , plugs , crank sender and fuel filter . I have checked pipes for holes , all electric plugs have been taken off and cleaned . The only way to describe the problem is it is like when you run out of fuel and you refill the tank and it's trying to start as the fuel is being pumped through . As always any help is much appreciated , thanks . New question . If your vr has been sat in the sun and you start it for the first time should it still run fast on start up??, or is it because the temp sender is warm ,that it will run on normal tick over from first starting ? .

Rob .

Edited by robrado974

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Clean the isv. Also I would do the same with the MAF.


Not sure is vrs have an idle switch, if so check that it is fully engaging.

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Thanks for reply , forgot to mention I have cleaned isv . Then borrowed one off a mate , cleaned that before it went back on as well . Just been out to start the car , it does fire but the revs are struggling a bit then it sits at idol fine .

Rob .

Edited by robrado974

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Have you checked for air leaks on the inlet side? Split pipe work etc? Have you tried another maf?

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Right I have found a split in the large hose that the maf is attached to . Have glued a bit of plastic over it for now and it fires up ok , not as quick as before but it's running fast on warm up now and was not before . Not sure if I've solved it but this has helped . Will put up a wanted note for another hose . Thanks for help people .

Rob .

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See if you can get one of the early rubber ones - they don't split quite so readily. Or swap for a metal one!



Be aware that the short corrugated plastic pipe between the blue dummy heater element (on the inside radius of the elbow, connected to the left side of the cylinder head) usually cracks too - feel along the bottom and if your hand comes away oily then you'll need to swap that too.



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Thanks Stone . The idle is now as it should be ,reving high on start up from cold and droping to normal idle when ready. Still need to sort the start problem though , first port of call is testing the fuel pressure , if thats fine obviously then i can eliminate the fuel filter not being blocked , should not be as its only done 1000 miles .


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