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Jim Bowen

Oil temperature higher than normal

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Hi all, have noticed the last week or so my oil temp has been higher than normal. Thought it might of been the hot weather but its the same today and much cooler outside.


Its anything from 114-118 and thats just normal B-road driving, Not normally that high.


I do notice my fans kicking in when sat in traffic and every time i park up. (am also sure they didn't always kick in every time i switched off, but they seem to now)


My catalytic convertor is blowing slightly and the car a little bit lumpy (which i put down to the cat blowing)

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Its hard to tell as dash gauge has read low for ages. Goes up while sat still. But on the move it drops to just above 70c. Can't figure that out either :(

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My water temp does that it just seems to be a querk of the car. I've flushed my cooling system many times and replaced the stat about 3 times and it still does it.

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Same here replaced everything except the wiring. Even put another engine in and had to redo all the cooling system and still does it. Might be the gauge itself.

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Yep, mine does exactly that too. I'd start by looking at the oil sender then. Usually the first thing to check and its cheap and easy to replace.

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I just had to replace the two larger sensors on filter housing. Something was leaking. Seemed to run hotter after that. But might just be a coincidence.

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Have you checked your alternator / battery voltages? It's just a resistive sensor so any variation in the voltage will make it over- or under-read. It's only connected to the MFA, not used by the ECU or anything, so it doesn't matter overmuch if it's high or low, provided you know which :)

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