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CaiosG60 PWR

Insurance Spray Job?????

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My car has been backended by a mates festa! :roll: There isnt much damage to the car just the rear bumper and panel.


The issue I have is that I know the car is painted in 2 pac paint (thinks thats what its called) and VW now spray cars with water based paint. I told the VW guy that I want the hole car done because I dont want two differnt types of paint on the car. He has told me to take that up with my insurrance company and reckons I have no chance.


Can somebody explain what the differences in the paint are?


Any advice on persuadeing my insurance company to give me a full respray? :lol:

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not sure on the different paints, but i recon your insurance company will tell you to take a running jump! I'd have thought even if VW use a different type of paint now they'll be able to get hold of the right one for your car....

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i know 2 pac is oil based, i dont think it should make a difference but i could be wrong-we got any sprayers in the house?

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Just called an ex car sprayer friend of mine. Apparently what VW / Insurers propose should be fine in his opinion, I wouldn't worry, and accept the work proposed personally! Knowing insurers if you persist they might just say OK, wel'l have to write the car off then, and offer you a paltry amount for it.



P.S Don't you just love the recent car insurance adverts based on Charlies Angels.....'Our man saved a LOT of money insuring with us....so lets see what else we can do...' Yeah, coz we all know how much Insurance companies just love lashing out money to people after a claim :lol:

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I have an agreed value of £3500 with my insurance company. So even if it has a respray it wont be written off.


I want a respray!! The car has a mint paint job, so when they repaint a section it wont all be the same as it was before. So the insurrance company should restore the car to the condition it was in before the accident. Meaning the hole car is was sprayed in the same type of paint. That sounds fair to me? What should I say to the insurrance engineer?

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I think by their estimates, they should only be paying out for the actual damage done - I understand what you are saying, but I don't think the insurance company will be as sympathetic! :(

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I have an agreed value of £3500 with my insurance company. So even if it has a respray it wont be written off.


I want a respray!! The car has a mint paint job, so when they repaint a section it wont all be the same as it was before. So the insurrance company should restore the car to the condition it was in before the accident. Meaning the hole car is was sprayed in the same type of paint. That sounds fair to me? What should I say to the insurrance engineer?


Mate I really doubt you'll get the outcome you are after here. A decent bodyshop will be able to match the paint shade/finish perfectly and this is what your insurance company will insist I'm sure.

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i dont think its the type of paint as much as the colour match that matters,from my own experiance dosnt matter how good the bodyshop is how can you match 10year old paint thats faded (not from a paint code i can tell you).the car sould be in the condition that it was befor the bump this is why we pay insurance if it is then fine but if it isnt then dont sign the satisfactory piece of papar till it is right ie if it wasnt 2 colours befor it shouldnt be after the work has been done.

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Colour matching faded paint is definitely v difficult but metallics (like this car) are finished with a clear coat which pretty much seals the paint from such effects.


From the description of the damage in this case the colour matching will be alot easier as the damage is to the rear bumper and rear panel, so it's one complete "aspect" of the car. Had the damage been to say the door then colour matching would be more critical due to the front and rear wings having the original paint.

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