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Roger Chatfield

Glove box, how the hell do you remove it.

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Evening chums,


I need to remove my glovebox, I've remove the 4 screws holding it in but can't remove it, it's loose but just won't come out of the hole..


Any tips of how to remove it.



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Theres a stupidly designed ridge underneath the glovebox you need to get that over the bit on the dash. Its a bitch but perseverance will pay off. Also saw that ridge off the glovebox when you remove it to save hassle in the future

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Yep, as above its a pain the arse to remove. Brute force and a good bit of swearing will do it but then I'd dremel off that ridge as Jon says so you can just slide it out next time.

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The glove box has to raise over a bar in order to be able to slide out. That's how its held in place.


Push from underneath with all your strength and try and slide it forward at the same time. I used a block of wood to increase surface area as I pushed up from underneath. You only have to get it slightly over the bar then the glove box should slide out.

Edited by VWVW

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Taaa Daaaa,




Cheers for the tips fella's, managed to get it with a fair amount of brute strength and ignorance...lol


While it was out I decided to remove the ridge.

Just used a hacksaw blade, easy peasy.




A little rub over with the sander and it's done.



It's a lot easier to get out now which should come in handy when I finally lose my rag with the alarm and rip it out... we have already had words....



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Yeah - violence seems to be the only solution. It's a bizarre design really. Doesn't prohibit access to anything 'juicy' so can't understand why it's made that way?

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