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Essex, the most speed cameras in the country, and.......

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The thing is, those knobbed up Corsa's don't go that quick, they're just driven by complete morons. Just cos you're not breaking the speed limit doesn't mean that you are driving safely and vice versa.


If anything, speed cameras on fast roads are probably just as dangerous as not having them, firstly it's another obstacle to wrap your car round, but more importantly people brake for them causing traffic to bunch up.


I actually don't mind speed cameras in most places because I don't speed when there's a likelyhood some tosser is going to walk out infront of me. Motorways and roads that you know well are fair game for speeding.


The main issue is to improve driving standards. You do not have a right to drive, if you're a liability you should be banned until you improve. If you're involved in a crash where you were being a dick, the police should make you do some track days and advanced driving courses. You learn how to handle your car better, you learn how to avoid accidents by paying more attention, you get to take out your speeding needs in a safe® environment and above all they're fun :) If they pay for them too, then even better! :D

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What gets me is, ...no licence, no tax, no MOT, no insurance, plus reduced traffic police equals fair chance of getting away with it. Full MOT, full licence, full insurance, and taxed, 'wrong' speed at the wrong time equals points and a fine. Oh, and don't forget they don't need to check your vehicle for expired tax now, can do it automatically by registered address. So, thatl'l be even less incentive for the less salubrious to register their vehicle to where they live then! :roll:

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ooh I got a star (sorry just realised :D)


Yeah uninsured people do my head in. When I was living in Bromley I was sitting in my room and heard a smash outside... someone had ploughed into the back of someone else, as I looked out they just reversed and squealed off around the corner. Poor woman got her small child out of the car and started crying. Made me smile when someone came out with a piece of paper with the cars reg on it tho :D


Getting away with any 'crime' is annoying, especially when you get prosecuted for innoculous (sp?) offenses like speeding.


I think the tax check is probably a good thing, cos they can still check if you have valid tax, but it makes it harder for the illiterate inbreds to get away with avoiding it.

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Essex has regional problems that mean the law has different priorities. Its very easy to sit back and think the boys in blue have the same job wherever you are. This is not the case, cross the border into Essex to see for yourself. You will see a far higher accident rate than the rest of the country. Its not easy to drive when their are birds wearing mini skirts flapping in the wind, its a distraction that leads to accidents. Speed cameras mean that everyone drives slower and less damage is done.

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As far as speed cameras go i think they are money printing machines.


Fact you never see them on housing estates, you never see them in village or town centers where people are gonna walk out.


If a road is a black spot, then change the layout. i dont see how stright roads are black spots.


They say that they are there to lower speeds cos people have a better chance of survial at lower speeds, true but my point is why penalise the driver for using the ROAD which meant for Cars etc, the pedestrians are at fault for stepping out! they have pavments. okay if your doing 40 in a thirty is bang out of order, but come on!!

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In fairness they usually put speed cameras on straight roads by junctions. You need to be able to see a very long way to be able to pull out of a junction and get from 0-60 and if people are doing 80+ down there then you get accidents.


Some areas would certainly benefit from a road layout change, but for a cash strapped council, it's much better from their point of view to spend a few hundred quid and plop in a speed camera that makes money rather spending thousands on re-doing the road.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't like speed, but there's a time and a place and a public road isn't the place. That being said, you can still have a lot of fun within the speed limit on twisty roads and there should be more lenience in the law for those speeding when it's not dangerous.

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That camera on the M11 isn't near a junction AFAIK, and happily clocks up the most fines of any camera in the country - apparently they regularly have over 2000 a day through there


Your comment about them being a "cheap" fix is true though. Here in Bournemouth there is a bit of road near to the pier approach where pedestrians cross over the road (and late at night pissed up clubbers fall across it)


What is depserately needs is a traffic light or pelican crossing, but as you've probably guess the "Safety partnership" have decided to put a speed camera there instead.


I'm fully expecting people to still be mown down in droves in future, although admittedly the cars that kill them will probably be doing 30mph instead of 35mph in future - some comfort to them I'm sure. Either that or the camera will get torched (and it woudn't be the first one in this town to receive that award)



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i still think the best trick is to dig round the camera and find the power cables and cut throught them, Using a thick pair of rubber gloves and standing on a rubber mat!!

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ohhhh and my all time favourit!! spray mount very hard to see!!


of course doing those things it probably illegal and i wouldn't do that and wont expect any one to do such bad things to government property

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there's been a spate of speed cameras "going missing" around South East Cheshire and NW staffs recently... I noticed one a couple of weeks ago that had the top missing and looked like it had been cut off... according to my mate who's just joined the police, that's exactly what's been happening to them... Looks like someone with a chainsaw has a grudge against speed cameras! :shock: :lol:


and no, I haven't got a chainsaw... ;)

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Setting them on fire gets the biggest laugh from me, simply because the damage is so visible to everyone in the weeks afterwards.


When the one down the road from me was torched last year I did consider making up some little "flames" signs to stick onto the local "Camera" road signs as a bit of an additional laugh. Wish I'd done it now as the picture (with burned out Gatso in the background) would have been hilarious... doh



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Sometimes I'm glad I live in the back of beyond, apparently there is only one fixed speed camera in the whole of this county! :wink:

Then again the cops probably think it isn't worth putting any more up as your more than likely to be slowed down by the bloody traaaaactors instead!! :)

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there's been a spate of speed cameras "going missing"




Wasn't clarkson ripping them out of the ground and towing them away in his Range Rover was it?


Won't be long before cameras are mounted way up high out of reach or cameras monitoring the cameras :roll:

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