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Roger Chatfield

Plymouth rolling road meet, gauging interest.

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Back in the day when I had my CRX I used to organise the odd rolling road day at Alan Jeffery's rollers.


Basic format was 2 power runs with a print out for £20, the rollers are Dyno Dynamics and are very actuate.

After everyone had been on the rollers and a few ego's had been quashed we would normally head across to Cornwall for a bite to eat at a pub and then maybe up on to moors for a photoshoot / chinwag.


Normally do this on a Sunday as the rollers are free.


So, just gauging interest at the moment, if enough folk fancy it then I'll approach AJ and see if he can fit us in.

Looking at maybe the end of November.


I'll also invite members from VR6OC if everyone is happy with that.



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Dying to find out what youve got eh Rog! Lol. If it was late December or early next year I'd bring mine down. At Butlins at the end of this month for a 90s w.end though.

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Its all provisional at the moment mate, if there is enough interest then a new year meet might be a better idea.


If there is no interest I can still sort something out for just a few of us, maybe get the CRX boys involved and tag along with them.



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