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EJ Taylor

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As title, mine has packed up, Euro parts offer a 240 amp one at £210 seems a bit pricey, can anyone recomend where to get one and what ampige will suffice.


Many thanks

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you can likley get it repaired for a fraction of that cost


Is alternator conditioning worth while though? will it just be a temporary fix?

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240a is alot. Am just getting my 90a one rebuilt and car had aircon and heated seats.


So 90 is perfectly alright? I literally know nothing about alternators

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all the ones ive had repaired have been fine for years , rather my genuine stuff repaired than use some ecp tat


i guess it depends whats wrong , chances are its the brushes worn down

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I dropped mine off at an electrical place yesterday, was the original 90a Valeo one. I except a call soon to give me prices on either rebuilding the valeo with new parts or buying a bosch equivalent.


The guy told me i wouldn't be able to buy a valeo anymore and would be very expensive from VW. I think most of it is replaceable and no reason it shouldn't be the same as new after that.


Is also quite a lot of info and videos on youtube showing how to do it all yourself, but i can't be arsed with that at the moment.

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getting a 90a reconditioned should be fine have had mine done in the past its just changing bearings and brushes, never had any issues after a recon which if I remember right was about £50

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240 amp! That would be the size of a basketball :D


Even the 120 amp barely fits the bracket, or did I have to trim mine? Hmmm, can't remember, but play it safe with a 90A.


Nothing wrong with Alt rebuilds. They are literally just a bunch of windings, a couple of bearings and a regulator / brush pack.


Shouldn't cost much more than £50 to rebuild a VR6 one.

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the only problem you might get with a recon of your existing alt is if the diode plate has one or more shot rectifier diodes, this might make it uneconomic to repair, but a refurb place should test/tell you this before replacing bearings and brushes, I'd imagine a rewinding if the windings have burnt and shorted would be pretty expensive too, neither issues are impossible to have rebuilt it's just an exchange item might be better value in these circumstances.

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I refurbed mine about 2 years ago because of Worn bearings. 2 New bearings ( local bearing specialist ) and a regulator ( see eBay ). Cost about £35 all in. Took a couple of hours. The only tricky parts were the screws that hold the casing together, as they were pretty crusty. It's been good as gold since.

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I just bought a new bosch item, got it today. Came from Germany so had to wait a week, cost £230 though. Looks great so i'm trying to feel happy about it..

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I just bought a new bosch item, got it today. Came from Germany so had to wait a week, cost £230 though. Looks great so i'm trying to feel happy about it..


I bite the bullet and got an OEM one from Euro parts, worked out to be £260 but as with you, it looks lovely, so im trying to use that to make myself feel better



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It will be useful during the apocalypse imo


Tbh after 2 years it almost feels weird when a month passes and something hasn't gone wrong with the rado.

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