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Most tenuous "cherished" number plate link?

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http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 2245560567


Possibly the most desperate attemp to inflate the value of a normal plate I've ever seen...


"Great number plate for all you VW VR6 fans. Here is a great chance to personalise your car with. The number plate is L6RVW, which reads VR6 backwards and also has the nice touch of reading VW at the end as well."

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:roll:And you know what the really fcuked up thing is? Someone will buy it and all...

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All I can say is that my plate is less tenuous than that...


(reads Dub Berk in someones rear view mirror as you come up behind them...)

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4 can be construed as R's or A's I thought... anyway.. BEAK is less embarrassing than BERK so I'll go with that....


ok.. so we start bidding at £1K... anyone for £1.5K?

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Does my monopoly money work on this auction aswell? How about some Rolos or Polos? :lol:

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Monopoly money works.. but you have to bid in Kg (cue loads of people nicking the money from monopoly board sets)...


Incidentally.. off topic.. but came across this ebay revenge scam (link posted on Petrolheads)...http://www.easynetworknyc.com/powerbook

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