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Front Engine Speed Sensor??

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Does anyone know what this is?


The chap who does my mechanical work for me has told me it's throwing up an error on the diagnostic computer intermittantly.


Any idea of part number and price would be appreciated.

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look on my avatar. it's the black dot to the right of the oil filter housing.


I reads a toothed wheel on the crank and tells the ECU where the crank is at so it knows when to fire. if it's f*cked the engine won't run.


about £140 from the dealers. try a bosch dealers and see if it's cheaper.

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oh, and it'll always throw up an error code if you run the diagnostics with the engine off.


clear it, and run it with the engine running. I bet it goes away.


G28 vehicle speed sensor by any chance?

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Yup that's the error...

"G28 Vehicle Speed Sensor - No Signal"


He's a qualified VW techy, so he knew to test it with the engine going :)


£140 is a bit pricey, don't suppose you have the VW or Bosch part no Phat?

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If it says no signal then it shouldn't be running! in fact, it can't run without a signal from the crank sensor.


I certinaly woulsn't buy a new one going off that info mate.


Tell him to clear the codes, start the engine, then run anoter test, I bet it doesn't come back up, it can't.


Part number on mine is


021 906 433 C


bosch number


0 261 210 105


does the engine run OK?


At the very least, I'l take the sensor out and clean it up and clean the lbock and efit it agin to see if the rror goes away. but otherwise Id ignore if it runs.

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Quite - the ECU *will not open the injectors OR fire the spark plugs* if it's receiving no signal from the engine speed sensor. Phat's spot on there...

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