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Bad fit door cards

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I have a 92 Vr with a storm interior. As far as I'm aware, the only difference is the switches ? The passenger side is tight to get on and it's a job to get the main screw lined up , the plastics on the top by the window seem very tight as well it looks shoddy ATM . Are the plastics different ie it used to have cloth , so the card would not be as fat as leather if you know what I mean .

Thanks Rob

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Not that I'm aware Rob. I know what you mean about the top trim though, mine doesn't push into the slot on the trim fully, this was a second hand replacement due to a cracked original, and bugs me tbh. I don't think there were different types to suit early/ late or cloth/leather so I assume it was forced in at the factory when the plastic trim wasn't so brittle. I'm not brave enough to force it in too much at the moment either in case I brake this one too!

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Mine fits when its out of the car , but by the time you have lined everything up and got it where its supposed be it pulls out at the top .Its also tight on the door pull ,hense why i broke my plastic piece that the metal rods are fitted to , i have several replacments that i can fit ,but they are a right mare to fit . I think i might go and see a hypnotist and get rid of this ocdness lol

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