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Think I just broke the record.....

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....for walking away from a VR in the shortest time of clapping eyes on it with a view to purchase! 10 minutes tops! Can anyone beat that? Think if iI'd have lifted up the rear corner where the paint was peeling gently enough could have pulled the whole respray off in one sheet :lol: . Ho hum, at least I was driving away in a nice C i guess!

Knew it was too good to be true, local AND cheap :roll:

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Don't think it's fair to say specifically as he's of course still trying to sell ,and seemed an OK guy (and he's obviously seriously in to body-building too :lol: )


No not seen it on here, would have commented if it was. It's in Norwich, put it that way, and blue. Think the faults would be all too apparent to a Forum member, and I don't think the guy genuinely knew it wasn't exactly mint bodywise, to be fair to him. I'm just glad I didn't have to travel more than a couple of miles to view it. Think I'm just starting to realise finding a really good VR at a fair price is gonna be a waiting game, might just throw the money at the valver instead.

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Well that's my point - other members might not want to travel too far to see it either..

I'm not trying to dis someone - but if he's selling a tatty car he has to say so..

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dr_mat, Yep, do take your point, but it's a thin line between passing on your opinion, and possibly ruining someones chances of a sale. It's not like it had been wrapped round a tree, just didn't seem a good enough spray-job to me, for what I wanted. Might be OK for someone else though. Your'e right though, apparently someone had travelled down from Leeds to view it! Hmm. Was wondering if there would be a way of setting up a database of Forum people around the country who would be willing to pre-view cars for sale in their area before fellow member travelled long distances? Probably un-workable but......

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Well, given that I want to keep my current valver as well if possible, and don't really need another car, talking 5k tops, but ideally well below that if at alll possible. I know won't get perfection necessarily, but .....

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dr_mat, Was wondering if there would be a way of setting up a database of Forum people around the country who would be willing to pre-view cars for sale in their area before fellow member travelled long distances? Probably un-workable but......


Has got to be one of the best idea's I've seen on the forum, although I think existing forum members cars could be exempt from scrutiny as most have been ogled by other members at some time during their ownership. I'd be happy to give a local motor the once over, mind you I'd only be good for checking the cosmetic appearance and not the mechanical aspect's. But if the body work/paint, trim etc. is good it must be worth further mechanical inspection. As for payment, knowing you've helped another member find a good deal/ car of their dreams, is payment enough for me. I keep mentioning this guy, and I still owe him a drink, but VR6 South helped me out big time when I was looking around for my first C.

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del68, Thanks! I think it must be worth doing. As you say you would just be giving the car a pre-emptive once over for an opinion as to whether it's worth following it up and travelling a long distance for a more detailed inspection. I would be happy to do this in the Norwich/Norfolk area. Could have saved the guy who travelled from Leeds to Norwich (if he's a Forum member) a lot of time/ petrol etc. I was dissapointed after travelling two miles, can't imagine how he would have felt after that distance :roll:


Anyone else willing - if so can start an appropriate thread!?

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I think that's a great idea! I'm looking for my first C at the moment and most of the ones I've been looking at in the Trader etc.... are a fair distance away and most ot the time it's difficult to tell just from the ad whether the car will be worth the trip......

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Would be willing to pre-view locally....

....for walking away from a VR in the shortest time of clapping eyes on it with a view to purchase! 10 minutes tops! Can anyone beat that?

must have spent all of 30 seconds on one car, someones "pride and joy" every panel dented, scuffed bumpers each corner, hole in one headlight, both foglamps cracked and an interior that looked like a dog had trampled through a muddy field prior to sitting on every seat. AND the guy wanted £7000 for it!

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Yeah, had a similar experience. Was looking for a cheap runabout Cavalier 2.0. Saw this dark blue one in Walsall (bad start) for £1700. It was tatty. Really tatty. Needed 4 tyres, new shocks, every panel was scratched, lots of loose/missing trim.. I went as far as starting it up, but the gear lever had so much slop in it, after waggling it and convincing myself it was in neutral I turned the starter... and the car jumped forward cos it was in third!! And these things have gear changes with metal connecting rods, no cable change sloppiness to blame there...

I walked away and told the guy that he'd be lucky to get a grand for it in it's current state...

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The first 8v I went to look at.


Spent a week trying to speak to the bloke, but it was the closest 8V I could find so I kept chasing it. Finally got some details off him and wwnet down, he'd given me the wrong adress. after much cursing I got hold of him again and found out that it was at his mates garage, about 20 miles away....


so, went there. spooted it straight away. Gave it a 5 second scan as I was walking past, got the keys off the bloke, unlocked it, looked inside (filthy and scruffy), went down the drivers side, spotted a couple of scrapes, popped the boot, noticed overspray down the left hand rear quarter. looked closer, full of filler, been painted right down one side, very badly too. Shut boot, handed keys back, "no thanks mate, I'm not interested" drove the 2,5 hours back home thoroughly p1ssed off because the guy said it was a "lovely car" and had all original paintwork and no crash damage. :mad: :p :evil: :twisted:

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It really annoys the sh*t out of me though when a car is described as "absolutely immaculate" or whatever and you drive so far to view it and it's a complete dog!

If local forum members are willing to spare 30 minutes or so viewing potential cars locally, it could save some other forum member a few hour and gallons of wasted fuel.

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I am happy to vet any local Cs in the Ipswich/Colchester area. There's loads of Cs around here, the place is crawling with them, so let me know if you want one vetted...... and most of you know how fussy I am!


My key expertise is with the VR and 16V. I don't know anything about the G60 other than it makes a weird hoover noise, so I can only do the usual smoking and noise checks there + the rest of the car for the usual stuff.


I will let report back if it passes the RAHaywire 100 point check.



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I'd quite enjoy doing this for someone actually... going to look at nice local C's... but I can see it all going horribly wrong when I tell someone to travel 5000 miles to see a car which I thought was really nice, only for them to find out its had a secret 1.0l engine transplant, lol


But yeah I'd happily go look at some cars around the Middlesbrough, Stockton sort of area. Like others have said I'd be able to inspect bodywork and the obvious as far as engine goes, maybe a bit more for G60's, but any other C's I'd be lost :oops:

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Great, it's nice to know there are people about happy to help others in this way. I suppose the best thing to do is start a thread titled 'Car Pre-Viewing' or similiar, with a few guidelines, such as those below, and people adding /deleting their names from it as they wish. I would suggest contact is made by buyers via PM'ing. To make it easier to locate someone near the car you may be interested in I would suggest people willing to take part add a post, just detailing the area they are willing to cover.


My suggested guidelines which would be in the original post are.....


'Service voluntarily offered purely as a means to prevent prospective Corrado buyers travelling miles to view a Corrado only to find it may not have been worth the journey.


Personal opinions only are provided, which are in no way binding on the person providing them. There can be no recourse on the person kind enough to provide an opinion if anything is missed or over-looked. The intent is to provide an overall opinion as to whether the car is worth travelling to view only, not an opinion on whether the car is worth buying, or is free from defects etc. It is for the buyer to assess for himself whether to travel to view the car, purchase the car, or take professional advice before buying any vehicle.


If a person kindly offering this service is not available to carry out a pre-view, for whatever reason, there can be no recourse or complaint from the person considering buying a vehicle. If a prospective buyer needs a quicker pre-view than can be offered, they are of course free to travel themselves..


No-one is in any way obliged to provide a pre-view, and reserves the right to refuse at any time, for any reason.'



......sound reasonable....? or could just continue adding details to this thread.....? :)

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might be an idea to start a new thread..............ive always been in favour of doing this for ppl.............afterall it could save a well wasted journey

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