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vw bobby

Rear seatbelt question?

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Hi All,


I just have a quick question about the rear setbelts?


Basically does the seatbelt brackets and the setbelt buckles bracket thread into the same holes in the floor with one bolt each?


Anyone have anypics with the seat bases in place would be great.





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Trying to picture what you mean , the the seat belt retainer that sits between the seats and bolted to the floor is on it's own .

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  diarmaid16 said:
Have you got the doorcards off? I can send you some pics in a few hours if you're not in a rush.


Hi Diarmaid


Doors cards are in, but can easily be taken out, if you can get me a few pics that would be great mate.





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You'll need to take them off. (Rear cards obviously)


No bother. Will throw some up this evening.

Edited by diarmaid16

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Diarmaids pics will make it all clear for you , once you remove the door cards it will all become clear . Be carefull with the plastic locating plugs as they are prone to bending .


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Thanks Dox, that is a big help mate, I have put these in the wrong place then, I bolted these in the floor under the seats

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