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Corrado Carpet

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MMmmmmm I'm not totally sure I like the look of the carpet it look's a little to modern (fiat like) for a Corrado it may be the pic's but the original Corrado carpet is quite a plush pile that look's a little "cheap" like I said though it may be the pic's.

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What Clumpy said in his Post #76, ie :


MMmmmmm I'm not totally sure I like the look of the carpet it look's a little to modern (fiat like) for a Corrado it may be the pic's but the original Corrado carpet is quite a plush pile that look's a little "cheap" like I said though it may be the pic's


and Declan's in his Post #77, ie :


Can only agree with the above!




Yep, my perception's also the same as Clumpy's, and I'll come on to that a bit more further down.


First of all though, many thanks & appreciation to all involved in getting this carpet option to this stage: it's a big "Thanks & Well Done" to Anna, Newton Commercials & Dan, as well as the very helpful comments & steers along the way by experienced Forum members



Coming back to the quality etc, my thoughts are :


1] the fit :
it appears to be excellent


2] the pile:
it looks quite flat to me too in the pictures, and also in the pics of the red protype shown back in Posts #50 & #52

my view is also that it should be a deeper pile for the Corrado [versus the Mk2 standard pile, as several Others have also mentioned in the early pages of this Thread]



3] the colour :
it may be a trick of the camera [??], but this black example appears to me to be more of a charcoal grey than a true black ??

I'm basing this observation on the clear contrast in the pictures above against the
black of the seats, the dash & centre console, the driver's foot pad and the footwell vents



Question : is anyone else seeing it as more of a charcoal grey ?



It may well be that now the template's fully sorted and the price about to established, then [in light of Anna's comment in Post #44 that "they are always up for developing their products..."] one might be able to discuss bespoke requests & attendant prices direct with Newton Commercials for :

a deeper pile
[ie, say a 'deluxe' one, as in the apparent underlay option ==
see my point
], and


a true black
as an optional colour


as well as


the underlay options
[which Anna advised of in Post #66, ie "
They have also made underfelt kits, a simple one to add to what you have or a deluxe one which would give a full kit




Hopefully the boot turret template will be developed soon as well, and then the 'whole shooting match' could be available to varying desires of quality & colour... and that would be an "ultimate option" outcome of all this hard work & endeavour, topped off by a price for a fitting service for those that may want to make a trip to Leiston in Suffolk for a "drive in, drive out" carpeting solution



I hope this post helps in the observations, deliberations & outcomes !


Question for Anna : would you be able to post pictures of the two underlay options, please ?

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Hi All


I suspect the colour is a result of images using a flash, being a photographer in my spare time flashes can do this and i know they were struggling to get decent images wiht it being against a black interior.


Ive not yet seen it in the flesh so i cant comment on the pile of the carpet, but the fit looks great,


The boot turrets at the moment are not an option, The tooling is around 2K per side to do so withthe amount of corrados they have decided for now at newtons its not worth doing but are going to look at it again at a later date.


The underfelt i shall ask for some images and see what i can get sent over, with us being 3 ish hours from newtons its been alot of phone and e mail communications


Pretty sure Newtons offer a fitting service, I can look further into this and maybe get some prices if availbale if people would like.


I have copied the post and sent it to Duncan at newtons so hopefully he can give me some better answer, I will report back once i hear.


Im not in work for the next 2 days so will post a reply once im back from blowing up things at bonfire night

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Just on the phone to newtons now,


the carpet is black, it is just a camera, the boot turrets are his originals and the boto carpet / carpet matches.


He is looking into supply for a more plush carpet currently, they have not had a supply before, this will push back pricing and push it back in time. at this stage it will be similar quality to what is in the boot of your current corrado, they are looking into a new supply for a different quality


Underlay they will get me a photo of both this week, its a heavy duty modern felt type underlay that wont be the same as original


They are now thinking they may just do the deluxe underlay only, this would be a 2 layer kit instead of a one layer, but Duncan has asked me to ask what people would prefer, Would you prefer a deluxe kit?

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Hello Anna,


That's great work, as ever, Ta.


re boot turrets: that's understandable at that level of tooling costs


re underlay: I guess that price will be a determinant to answering that question with certainty viz a Forum-majority preference between single-layer and the 'deluxe' double-layer...

but, for the purposes of where we're at now, I'm sensing that most Corrado owners who would be going to the trouble/care/expense of new underlay would be most driven by quality & snugness of the end-fit [ie, the combination of two layers of underlay + a quality-pile carpet] rather than price - so long as the price of the double-layered deluxe version isn't outlandish in the end result


I hope this proferred opinion helps for the purposes of now / the next few conversations/emails/pics, and pending knowing provisional/actual prices as well



Regards & Thanks for all that you're doing, and enjoy your bonfire break !

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Hi All


Here is a pic of the 8 piece underfelt


Pic attached of the deluxe u/felt kit, this is an 8 piece kit, 4 pieces for the front, 4 for the rear, this is really for cars which have no u/felt in place. Made from the same material obviously.




4 piece underfelt


Pic attached of the standard 4 piece u/felt kit, made from a heavy duty 10mm felt, 2 front pieces and 2 rear pieces. This is to add to cars that still have the original u/felt in place.




G60 bonnet felt kit 5 pieces supplied with glue. Made from a pvc topped felt historically used for this purpose.




Standard corrardo ( non g60) bonnet felt, 5 pieces, made from pvc laminated felt historically used for this purpose




and below is an image of 2 carpets, I kbnow a few of you were concerned about the pile of the carpet, below the red is the newtons carpet and the black is the carpet i sent as a sample from a corrado, Newtons are looking to source a different style original type carpet also but do think they will only be able to get it in black, but from the pic you can see their carpet is a good pile compared to teh original



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Do you think there would be the demand for lhd carpet? Can't be many lhd corrados over here but if its a case they want to send worldwide then fair enough

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Hi All


Ive now set up all the part numbers for corrado RHD carpets and underfelt bonnet kits, over mat sets and underfelt kits,


I can now take pre orders for all of these and teh first batch will be run at the beginning of December.


They are not yet on our website as i dont have images so please call me or the sales team to set an order up

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Thanks very much for these last few updates c/w the pictures, Anna - all much appreciated.


Pending the various pieces being uploaded to the Heritage website, would you be able to advise on here of the finalised, respective costs, please?

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Sorry my bad, should have put those up


With forum discount here are the prices, tehy are plus VAT


Item Code : Item Name :

535-823-101 Bonnet sound proofing for Corrado models (not G60) 23.80952

535-823-101/G60 Bonnet sound proofing for Corrado G60 models 23.80952

535-863-919 Underfelt kit for under carpet, standard kit, Corrado 25.76365

535-863-919/D Underfelt kit for under carpet, deluxe, Corrado 45.2381

536-863-101 **SO** Carpet set, Corrado RHD in colour 142.85714

536-863-101/BLK Carpet set, Corrado RHD in black 142.85714

WC863101 2 Piece over mat set for Corrado RHD models 25.39683

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The pile does look impressive however I'll wait to actually see one fitted to a Corrado "in the flesh" before making my mind up. It is good that someone is taking an interest in the Corrado it is appreciated.

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  Thursdave said:
Hi, how do I go about ordering an underlay kit?


Because they are not yet on the website (no images)you would need to do it over the phone, give us a call


Either the standard underlay kit 535-863-919 or part number for the deluxe is 535-863-919/D

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  annavr6 said:
Sorry my bad, should have put those up


With forum discount here are the prices, tehy are plus VAT


Item Code : Item Name :

535-823-101 Bonnet sound proofing for Corrado models (not G60) 23.80952

535-823-101/G60 Bonnet sound proofing for Corrado G60 models 23.80952




just to clarify, I believe this should read:


early G60/16v (pre 1992)

late G60/16v, 8v & VR6 (post 1992)


as this is when the bonnet changes, not with engine/model.

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Hi all Corrado club members, I'm from Newton Commercial and in conjunction with Anna at VW Heritage we have been working on a range of new trim for the Corrado. Having finished the RHD moulded carpet sets I am now trying to complete the LHD version. Seems these are in hens teeth mode and I am struggling to get a car in to our development dept to test fit our new carpets. If anybody has a left hooker and would like some new carpets/underfelts and mats fitted free of charge, please let me know. It goes without saying that we will be gentle !


Tim Trim

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I've asked the only person I know with a LHD Corrado, but as the interior on theirs is basically perfect I'm not sure they'll be readily volunteering their car :( Hope you manage to find a suitable car though!

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  Jim said:
I've asked the only person I know with a LHD Corrado, but as the interior on theirs is basically perfect I'm not sure they'll be readily volunteering their car :( Hope you manage to find a suitable car though!


Thanks for that Jim

I'm more than happy to put the original trim back in and arrange some other "reward" for helping out, if it makes a difference.



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