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Bournemouth James

Red tint rear lights, with green bulb

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I tinted mine red a while ago, required a lot of red to make them look like the bottom half, they looked great but ended having to tut cut some of the red off, cause they shined too red, now the top half looks dark orange, which doesent look so good, heard about the green indicator trick, so im thinking about re tinting them again and using green bulbs, just wonering if anyones tryed it yet?, does it work?


Instead i was thinking about buying some all clear fks, then tinting them red, shouldnt need anywhere near as much red tint on those, so maybe they will shine more orange, or could maybe fit yellow bulbs in them, then they should shine orange


What do you think?

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i tihnk someone sussed that no matter the colour of bulb, itll still shine red as this is the last colour of filter light has to travel thro.


i tinted the lights on me missu, polo, it flashed red......


bothered i said....


up to you.


i always thought tintin some clear inpros would be sweet as hell tho......

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nah, Green light + Red light should give an amberish light... 8)


I'll do a demo at some point with the red and green lighting gels I've got lying around on my dining room table... ;) 8)

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i've done it already....DO NOT use green LED cluster replacements...they work BUT, you get a round circle of amber light and not the whole section of the reflector.


I haven't tried green bulbs though...i'm sure they'd work though! :lol:


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nah, Green light + Red light should give an amberish light... 8)


I'll do a demo at some point with the red and green lighting gels I've got lying around on my dining room table... ;) 8)


that wont work mate as you are mixing lights to you will get yellow, but you are subtracting them when putting them in the clusters.


Basically comes down to this, you have a green light source and a red one over lapped or mix will create amber. but a green light going through a red filter will be red. what you will change is the intensity of the light.

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we need someone to test this... I still reckon it'll work, but I'm happy to be proven wrong... 8)


*goes off to find some green bulbs....*

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I'll be testing the theory once my lights get here from there long lost travels from Spain........they will get here one day! Spanish post hey Nigel.

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It's really gonna come down to the EXACT specs of light filtering done by the amber plastic, the red tint and the green tint on the bulb as to what colour eventually comes out. Maybe green bulbs will help slightly (maybe putting more powerful ones in will help anyway), and this may be enough to prevent you getting pulled over on a regular basis, but truly amber it will not be.. I'd be curious to see if someone finds a way, however, cos it gets a bit dodgy trying very hard not to use the indicators when the coppers are around...! :)

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how do the peugeots and other cars get around with having all red clusters has std...anyone checked this ????

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i've got fully tint red clusters on rears with just reverse lights on both sides as white.

when i say fully red...it matches bottom halves of clusters...and a green bulb may work, but you'll have to get a bright green bulb to do it or else you tend to get a patchy area of amber light...not whole section..cos the red tint has somehow blurred the reflector so if you can imagine it:


the light would disperse through the reflector (the bumpy inside of the cluster)...but the tint would make it harder for the light to be seen! so brighter GREEN bulbs will do the trick...led's are 180degrees (am i wrong??)...so you get a beem of light not a dispersal.

Sanjay. :wink:

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the peugeots...or even the polo mk5's have thin white lines within the red itself...so light comes out brighter through the lines.

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i think clear inpros with a subtle red tint and an uprated indicator bulb (if u can get one) may do the trick

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The peugeots aren't really red in the indicator's section of the unit. They're pretty much clear, with very slight reddish lines on the outside to make them look red from a distance.

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i'd love to have a set of LED rear clusters for the corrado...its a shame none were made, i had some in pro ones on my old polo and they were fantastic...they look like the BMW's out now. :twisted:

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