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DDI wing mirrors question

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Purchased a pair of DDI mirrors from Awesome gti but i need some guidance i know that i need to use the old mirror housing to fix the ddi mirrors to it but whats the recommendations on adhesive to use to stick them together. DDI recommend GOOP but that doesnt exist over here?


Any other things i should watch out for whilst changing the mirrors ?




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I did this last month and basically I just peeled the old glass mirror faces off using a very thin flat head screw driver its not pretty or easy to start but once you've got it under and wiggling around you'll then reveal the picture on the right which is the heated strips , I then just peeled off the layer of film on the back of the DDI mirrors and then stuck the glass faces into the surround ,didn't use any glue sounds easy lol


In the pic on the left you can see how one of the spade terminals broke(heated mirrors) , this is actually part a complete piece of metal on. so really try to be careful when removing the electric window connectors from the terminals as I had to solder a piece of metal in its place after lots of sanding down etc.


On the picture to the left you'll see an outline of a thin strip....well I didn't manage to save it with the glass face it all came off ???? don't even know if its needed?


my heated mirrors work so far no hassle at all and the reduced glare in the sun is realy great.


lemme know how you get on mate and good luck

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I though I should add that the old mirrors cracked while I was trying to be carful and remove them but I really cant see another way around it ? so I just went animal on it and smashed them while removing it lol

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I used the heated backs of some cheap eBay ones,just peeled them off,the glue was good,so I just stuck them on my DDi ones,

One of the best mods I did was changing the glass,I find it so much easier to reverse now !

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No !

As the cheapie eBay one was unused,I carefully peeled it off and still being sticky,I just stuck it on the glass.

I know JMC on here glued his on.But I can't remember what he used

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No,as it was a new replacement lens,it comes ready glued to fit the housing,just peel the paper off,I used an old Corrado housing.if its not raining tomorrow,I'll pop one out and take a couple of pics

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Thats what i thought but on the ddi website it said as they are a curved mirror some parts of the mirror need a dab of adhesive. But if there was no problem on yours cool. Also do both your mirrors have the "objects appear closer..." on them?

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Both of mine have the writing on.After a while you don't notice them

I believe JMC has the ones bought in a group buy that came without the writing

After sitting in his car a few years ago and noticing the mirrors,I had to have a set.i got mine from ARZ

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Thats alright then i know usa ones only came with writing on one side so thought it was weird writing being on both

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Both of mine have the writing on.After a while you don't notice them

I believe JMC has the ones bought in a group buy that came without the writing

After sitting in his car a few years ago and noticing the mirrors,I had to have a set.i got mine from ARZ


To be honest it's so long ago that I can't remember what glue I used either - I think it was 3M body trim tape. I used heating elements purchase online from an eletronic company (Conrad electronics), and then stuck the whole thing on the mounting frame. I do have writing on one of mine, will double check tonight. Mine came direct from DDI in Canada.

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Might use a bit of aradite to make sure theres no chance of the housing separating from the ddi glass better safe than sorry.

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i bought the blue heated ones off ebay, took 2 mins to swap over and all works fine.


Was going to get some of them Wes but then a bloke said the bottom edge on his had a distortion type effect in the mirror so opted for DDI ones

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I had a heater element break down on the n/s mirror,so I bought one of the eBay blue ones thinking if it's the same as the DDi one I'll just change it over !

They are not in the same league for quality,the reflection wasn't as good,I should of took a pic when I had them together.I just used the heated pad on my one !

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Just checked mine, and the writings on the drivers side only.

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