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Replacing bonnet pins/stikers/springs ....

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Hi all


Just looking for some input on these refurbished pin/springs that I got and im looking to remove the old units (which are disgusting) but they appear to be set in plastic ? the thread doesn't actually move when I turn the pentagonal frame ?


probably a really simple job but I don't want to break anything and have my bonnet flying around lol


pic attached


anyone replaced these ?

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I replaced mine I think there is a captive nut in the bonnet that they screw into I do remember using a big spanner and I think a large screwdriver to stop the captive nut turning as you loosen the unit make sure you have a right good look at how many thread's are visible on the one's you are taking of before removal as it saves a lot of arsing about it can test your patience but when you get them right it's amazing the difference.

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I still have absolutely no idea how to remove these there is no bolt that sits on top to secure it feels more like a rubber o ring ?




pic of what part im talking about circled in red

Edited by northG60

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Around the 22mm sized spanner to take them off by a bolt underneath the spring bit. The nut is sort of semi captive. It won't spin (or shouldn't) but there is side to side movement to position them correctly. Piece of pish!

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If I can do it Sean it must be surprised he is having trouble really :scratch:

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Sean and clumpy I cant work out what your saying lol side to side what ? please humour me guys I bloody cant do it reading text never makes sense


(I Have removed the spring on the old unit now so I am fully committed)


okay so the red arrow is where the thread is set in the plastic. this is what im trying to unscrew!!!!!!!. but cant get it to turn even slightly


the blue arrow is what im guessing you guys were hinting at in order to get to thing to unscrew but im still having no luck ?

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Id get some penetrative spray on that which should help you unscrew it from the blue arrow

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Like jon said get some wd on there then get a 24 or however big the spanner is can't remember off the top of my head to hold the the big hex shaped fitting below the rusty washer then get a spanner tha fit's the shaft (where blue arrow is) you need to do it with the 2 it wont just straight screw out.

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Ok just re-read the whole thread and had a look at a spare set I have in the shed. The Pentagonal frame you mention is what I meant to unbolt the whole thing. That frame should actually be attached to the central thread, and not rotate freely. The plastic where the thread is at a guess just a washer to protect the metal. The nut should be behind that plastic washer, but it's not really accessible. As you have the frame loose, and the mechanism isn't tight to the bonnet, you should be able to move it side to side. That's what I meant when I said semi captive. The nut underneath shouldn't turn as its mounted with horizontal guides above and below, but that obviously allows side to side movement. I hope this makes a bit more sense. I think you just need to get medieval with it!

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DONE !!!!! cheers guys got it done in the end after I removed the springs I could then get a 6 mm spanner on the section small section with the blue arrow pic .... it was an absolute feck to do but with some penetrating fluid and some muscle I got them free


I think it was a mixture of me being a bit special and them being screwed up so bloomin tight.


quite happy with how they look so here is some pics of them on the car......really need to get rid of my manky bonnet insulation lol



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Is the bonnet shutting properly? Just be watchful over the next few times you open the bonnet and when closing it to make sure both pin's are catching they may need fine adjustment :thumbleft: Good work!!

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yeah I found a guide on what the gaps of the springs should be 57 mm from spacer to the top and it worked first time ....so far so good


I got them from ebay a guy called :urquattrob


he has had a few pairs up recently(none at the moment) even some polished chrome ones might be worth messaging him ?

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yeah I found a guide on what the gaps of the springs should be 57 mm from spacer to the top and it worked first time ....so far so good


I got them from ebay a guy called :urquattrob


he has had a few pairs up recently(none at the moment) even some polished chrome ones might be worth messaging him ?

That's where i got mine too. Just keep an eye on them mate as they may need slight adjustment. Only reason I say is I have had a bonnet blow up on the motorway before (not a corrado) but I am always wary since then. Glad you got it sorted :thumbleft:

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