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Decatting and insurance question

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General car chat in the pub at the weekend led to declaring modifications to the insurance company. It then took a twist that has got everyone at each others throats. If you remove the cat from your car and are involved in an accident can the insurance company refuse to pay out as your caris not roadworthy inasmuch as it will fail an MOT. I don’t imagine anyone would declare decatting as a modification totheir car so what is the position? Insurance payout or insurance refusal?

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Cars of our age if written off,wouldn't need the assessor looking to closely,unless you ran over a bus queue !

When mine was nearly wrote off,the assessor wasn't looking for an "opt" out !(my cat is on)

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Tanks for the replies. It was not a Corrado specific question, mine doesn't need one anyway, more of a settle an argument question. Basically, in a perfectly roadworthy car would the removal of the cat invalidate the insurance?

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I'd say that the insurance "could" refuse if they found it was missing. It's illegal to remove a cat and drive the car on the public highway if the car was supposed to have it fitted in the first place.

All being said and done though, the insurance company must be really desperate to not pay out if they start looking under the car. Lots of people gut their cats to make it a straight through bit of pipe that looks like a cat. Not saying this is right either, but it's not unheard of.

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