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Fitting Scuttle Clips , help .

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Hi all ,

I recently recieved my scuttle clips from VW Heritage . I can see where the old ones used to be as the round push fit stubs are left in the bulkhead . But when you offer the new ones up i cannot see how they are supposed to fit ?, yes they will sit in the bodywork ,but the thin pin on the other side clashes against the scuttle . There seems to be no hole for it ?. Any help is much appreciated .


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Knock the remains of the old clips on through the bulkhead so that you are just left with a series of holes. Place the new clips into the holes in the bodywork and then tap the pin down through the clip with a hammer until it is flush with the top of the clip When you tap the pin down it spreads out the little legs on the base of the clip and lock it into place.

Edited by leon263

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Knock the remains of the old clips on through the bulkhead so that you are just left with a series of holes. Place the new clips into the holes in the bodywork and then tap the pin down with a hammer until it is flush with the top of the clip When you tap the pin down it spreads out the little legs on the base of the clip and lock it into place.

Ahh like the BMW trim clip's??

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What Leon said sound's spot on. I imagine they will only go on one way too Rob sorry if I sound a little vague about it I have one on those carbon scuttle panels on mine.

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No worries James . So from what i can see it does not actually clip on to the scuttle ,the lip of the clip just slids under the corresponding lip on the scuttle ?. Many thanks Leon .

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Sound's right that mate :thumbleft: Where's the :ubergeek: Sean when you need him :rolleyes:

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All fitted now , thanks people . I didnt realise that the pin went through and made it a nice tight fit . I should have known this as the damp proofing plugs i fit at work, work the same way . Only had one which would not quite sit right ,no matter how i tried to get it to do so , it only sits a tiny bit higher though , i suppose i can live with that .


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Thought my ears were burning James you cheeky chappy! Tbh, I don't think I've ever seen those clips so I've no idea what they're for! They do look like the ones that spread the legs when you insert the pin though. Not sure where the lips sits tbh........

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All fitted now , thanks people . I didnt realise that the pin went through and made it a nice tight fit . I should have known this as the damp proofing plugs i fit at work, work the same way . Only had one which would not quite sit right ,no matter how i tried to get it to do so , it only sits a tiny bit higher though , i suppose i can live with that .


Well done Rob alway's better to ask it's what I would have done.

Sean can't believe you haven't seen these :scratch: Maybe your's doesn't have them :rolleyes:

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There will be quite a few without them , screen fitters tend to break them !, then bond the scuttle in place after . James , yes always best to ask . Sean there are two lips on them , one sits snug behind the bulkhead the other catches the lug of the scuttle . Not the best fitting VW ever came up with though . These are available from Heritage at £12.00 i think .


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Thanks Rob. Funnily enough, yes my scuttle has been bonded down in the past! I'll get a set ordered now for when I fit the scuttle back after paint. Cheers mate!

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