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Saw this the other day , that and people trying to BASE jump (if that's what it's called ?). What a bunch of idiots , I'm surprised how little deaths there are from these people jumping over cars and stuff .

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Scrot gangs do my head in, Crazy to the core, riding all over the road, no road sense, riding with no protection gear on not even a pair of gloves. Riding 2 abreast on the road and no tax test or insurance probably. Going to local parks and doing daft things like on the video.

We have someone like this up our road, one got his comeuppance the other day slammed it head on into a oncoming car going at 40 mph in a narrow street it was not a very nice site.:splat::splat::pukeright:

but having said this, there are probably be some sensible young riders out there.

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Remember one of these from 2006, it was in Crawley. They did check the local A&E admissions just in case but apparently they didn't want to admit it...


Guy died in Germany doing something similar but with duct tape, rope and a BMW...



Edited by Stonejag

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