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Anyone know this upside down Corrado?

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He's a welsh lad called Ben, don't know if he's on here or not, it popped up on my FB this morning because a mate of mine knows him.


From what I understand the road was being resurfaced and there was a big 2-3m patch of deep loose chippings, which was poorly signed, he lost the back end, presume it was on a bend, went up into the hedge and rolled it!


Main thing is no one was seriously hurt!

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Glad he was ok!


I'm glad no one was coming the other way!!!!


If he knew the first basics of good performance driving he'd have known that you drive within the limits of the road conditions. If he didn't know that the road surface was good, then he shouldn't have been driving like he was!


Some may think I'm being harsh saying this, but think of it another way. If you wife, daughter, son, mother, father, brother, sister, etc had been innocently coming the other way and been killed by this idiot, then your view on "accidents" like this would be the same as mine.


Sorry, but there are far too many "boy racers" on the roads who haven't got a clue on how to drive correctly and believe that they are far better than they actually are!

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from what i can gather on fb he was approaching a crest on a 40mph road as the road dipped off the other side it turned into road chippings he lost back end, swerved to avoid the other lane and hit a grass verge rolling it, apparently no road sign warnings either......as said glad no one was hurt

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I'm glad no one was coming the other way!!!!


If he knew the first basics of good performance driving he'd have known that you drive within the limits of the road conditions. If he didn't know that the road surface was good, then he shouldn't have been driving like he was!


Some may think I'm being harsh saying this, but think of it another way. If you wife, daughter, son, mother, father, brother, sister, etc had been innocently coming the other way and been killed by this idiot, then your view on "accidents" like this would be the same as mine.


Sorry, but there are far too many "boy racers" on the roads who haven't got a clue on how to drive correctly and believe that they are far better than they actually are!


I don't think you should be so judgemental on the evidence given!

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