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My poor hurt Corrado

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A crazy fool pulled out from behind the lorry he was following at 30mph into the outside lane straight in front of me this morning. I braked so hard I ripped chunks out of my tyres but still hit him. Ouch..

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Thats gutting mate. That pic brings back bad memories for me too.















That was going into the guy in front after being hit from behind.






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So far I haven't found any chassis damage. The front of my car is low plus I was braking hard so my bumper didn't really get hit, it went underneath his. So the wing and headlight took the impact. Yes it's repairable but whether I'll get enough out of the vampires to do it right or not is another matter..


I'm alright thanks, no injuries just annoyed.


Sorry to see that Sean, that's properly bent. I like that colour too.


It's the tyres that amazed me. I'm still on the not-at-all-sporty Rainsports 3s I was bitching about a few months back. The fronts were on about 4mm after 3500 miles, yes 3500 miles! But todays hard stop ending with locked wheels put a very noticeable flat on one and tore a 3" across, 1/4" deep lump out of the other. I'll be glad to throw those things away, the worst tyres I have ever had..

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Mmm lemon flavor aswell


glad someone still has a sense of humour nice one matt :wave:

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Gutted for you, if you look at my post history my first post was because the insurance company wanted to write-off my car but I fought for her, I posted the details of my argument. Just incase you have a battle on your hands.


I hope physically you're okay though even if a little heartbroken.


Take care of yourself

Dawn :)

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I found my post...ai was so happy that day :D




Well I have some REALLY good news


The valuation company called to say they agreed their initial offer did not reflect the true value of the car. They now placed it somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5 times the amount of their first offer and following my photographic evidence of her condition this was likely in the higher end. This made her repairable!!!


I've just spoken to the repair shop who called to say the repair has been authorised and I should have her back in in under two weeks


I cannot stress how happy I am about this.


In case anyone ever ends up in the same situation and finds this thread:

Corrado was deemed uneconomical to repair - offered trade value of the car - Refused.


I wrote an email that included the following:

-Attached photographs of my recent receipt for purchase of the vehicle (proving total paid and mileage)

-A link to the current Auto-trader listings, thankfully including a couple of similar mileage and condition.

-A link to the "how many left" website listing the number of identical models are currently licensed/SORN

-Two recent photographs of the vehicle to portray its condition (inside and out)

-I also explained how the car was bought as an investment, that their increasing rarity will only result in the value eventually increasing.

-I ended the email with a few quotes from the Financial Ombudsman's website ("technical notes regarding vehicle valuation") That stated the vehicle should be assumed to be in higher end of the value scale if it was recent purchased from a dealer and that owner should be compensated in such a way that they should be able purchase another vehicle almost identical to the one stolen or damaged.


I cant wait to have her back now, thank you for all the advice and kind comments I've received, I look forward to many happy posts in future."

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Gutted for you mate, but at least you are okay which is the main thing.


Hope you get it fixed if that's what you want to do with it, as it does look repairable if you can find the parts.


Chin up

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glad your ok but ouch that hurts to see your lovely motor like that - idiot drivers with total lack of attention seem to be all over the place nowadays, its like they completely forget they should drive according to the highway code once they have passed their test


good luck with the claim & repairs

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Ah mate that sucks.

If you decide to fix it with used parts I have a front bumper and passenger wing for sale and am not too far away from you.

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Thanks for all the support. I've been through this a couple of times before so have my eyes open to the games insurance companies try.. Still it's good to be reminded to be on guard. I'm going to push for repair, I have the right to any salvage but even so I want it fixed.


I really didn't want to get in a car the next morning (yesterday) to go to work. Went anyway but felt sick and went home just after lunch. Feel fine today. Weird how the little things can affect you. I've messed myself up pretty badly with things with wheels over the years and never got nervous like that before. But I'm picking up a mk3 Golf diesel tomorrow, an anaesthetic on wheels!

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