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Fuel Prices

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Just watched the news in amazement as the transport minister stated he was "watching retailers" to make sure they reduced pump prices in line with the drop in crude prices. This from a government currently taking 77p per litre in tax and duty in comparison with the 5p per litre the retailers make.


Talk about pot and kettle!

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They've got to fund their expenses from somewhere, poor little downtrodden !"£$%^&*( that they are. Don't get me started!!!

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its a disgrace is what it is!!


but irrespective of the tax side of it oil barrel pries have been around the $80 mark for about 6 weeks IIRC - i had put a couple of rants on here with link to the business insider reports on it


in fact todays post says the barrel price is now at its lowest point since 2010 http://uk.businessinsider.com/oil-price-is-falling-2014-11


the petrol companies were seen to rocket prices upwards when the barrel price rose but then are not dropping said prices anywhere near as fast


in fact i know that shell for example on v power has only dropped 1p per litre in over 1 week & IIRC its only come down about 3 or 4 pence per litre since oil barrels have stooped to the $80 mark


how about the government 'make them' drop prices rather than sit back & 'watch' them do very little but why should they care as i bet most MP's dont even pay for their own fuel!!


our government let us the public get spanked left right & centre but they dont give a damn individually as they have their 'expenses'

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Lots of anger round here, have to say that this is not as straight forward as it seems. Yes fuel prices could drop a little more but if you look at the price of unleaded 4 years ago it was 119.1 on average, what are we at now? Something like 123.00. So then take into account exchange rates between the $ and £, which actually based on today's rate of $1.57 to £1, was very very similar 4 years ago. So maybe we could see a 4p per litre drop. Also bear in mind the crude oil rates are described as being next months delivery rate, so maybe we will see some reductions even further going into December.

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I like it high, too many cars on the road as it is, hopefully it puts the gippos off driving unless they have to.



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Aslong as it's coming down a bit and not going up. Government screws us over, that's what they do. But also like to give the illusion of positive change once in a while usually to distract us from something else.

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I like it high, too many cars on the road as it is, hopefully it puts the gippos off driving unless they have to.






I often hope the high price will encourage more and more people to buy hybrids. After all, our Corrados need their share of the fuel supply ;)



Edited by DPS

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down to $77 for brent crude and $74 for west texas crude

at this rate Russia will be bankrupt, which probably means they'll start WW3, they seem to be going that way.

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