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Bit of a long one but bear with me!!


Ok guys got a question, how long roughly does it take your VR (standard with no engine mods) to get up to temperature or at least the gauge start to move, say to 70 degrees? I broke down a just over a week ago on the M1, boiled all the water in the tank, further inspection found a tear/split in the return hose from the rear of the block back to the heater matrix.


Now I'll hold my hand up and say I didn't notice any drastic change in the gauge and the water warning light didn't come on until I'd pulled over. I must have been driving for about 30 mins or so, noticed a plume of smoke in my side mirrors whilst initially thinking it wasn't me changing lanes confirmed it was and within a few minutes I'd pulled off at JCT 9, steam/smoke coming out from around the bonnet my worst fears thinking it was a fire. Lucky upon opening it realised it wasn't and was only water but that stopped my journey to London!


This Saturday, £26 later (not forgetting the 2 1/2 hour wait and tow home last friday!!) and a replacement hose from heritage and we're as good as new (well you get the idea). Started her up with new antifreeze and left to get to temperature. Unfortunately found that my coil pack has and crack it in and was arcing but that's a different story!!


Well she got to temperature within a time I was happy with, no leaks and all seemed good. Let her cool down and forgot about it, the next day sunday we were going out so I went to pick my brother up and probably within about 5/10 minutes it'd reached 70 degrees, now time not experienced the car warm up that quickly. The temperature continued to climb so i decided to 'drive' it for a bit to see if it'd cool down as it was now around 85ish. By the time I'd had a drive and got to my destination which was only about 20 mins it was maybe 95? Bearing mind it's not exactly warm outside...


On the way home (after not using the car for about 2 1/2 hours) it reached over 70 within 5 minutes, an additional 5 or so minutes later and it was at 80....


This might be normal but my experience with the VR is that it doesn't warm up that quickly...I thought I'd turned the engine off quick enough not to have done any damage to the head. Having checked the oil there is no gunk in there and I cannot immediately see any gases in the water, nor any white smoke as I drive...


I need to go on a long drive to see what happens I guess but wanted to get your thoughts?


Thanks in advance!

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might be an air lock as it shouldnt get up to temp that quickly even if the thermostat is stuck closed. Did you check both top and bottom rad hoses were warm? Also, when you start it up again, leave the header tank cap off, let the temp rise and massage all the pipes to try and 'burp' out any trapped air. Not sure if it will help, but keep the temp dial in the car on full during this time.

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Thanks unfortunately that's the procedure I normally follow so already tried all that. Both top and bottom hoses were soft and I always squeeze them both with the cap off to prevent/remove air locks.


Thats what i was thinking re the speed at which it got warm, it doesn't sound good to me...any other opinions?


How quickly would the oil start to get milky fearing the worst....

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