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Evening chaps,


Quick question: I'm not getting a spark to cylinder 6. Ruled out the plugs, which leaves coilpack or leads as far as I can see. I know from research on here that the coilpack has only 3 coils that serve two cylinders each. So as far as I understand if a coil is out, you lose two cylinders. As I am getting a spark to cylinder 1 still (6 and 1 share as far as I know) that should rule out the coilpack right? Or is there anything else that would mean it failed to send a charge to one cylinder only? Couldn't see any cracks or arcing.


Which leaves the leads. They are BBT which I understand are a bit ropey, and the contact looked blackened which I couldn't remove. I checked the resistance through the lead which matched the others, but I could just be making a contact where the coilpack is unable to.



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Tried swapping the leads out but still no joy, so must be the coilpack right?


I don't understand why it is only one cylinder that is not getting a spark. Cylinders 1 and 6 fire at the same time so if cylinder 1 is firing why isn't 6?! If the coilpack was cracked or had ecu issues they'd both go wouldn't they?

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Ive got BBT leads so far ok. Try pulling each lead and see if you're getting a spark at the plug. Check the continuity of the lead. If no luck then check the wiring to the coilpack. If still no result then try and borrow a replacement coilpack to rule it out. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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Cheers. Aye, I went through each of the leads when doing my initial checks. It turns out it was the coilpack, and I've had it replaced. Ran smoothly for about a day and then the heater matrix went!


What I should have done is switched a couple of leads initially, which would have ruled them out. I was a bit thrown by various reports saying that if the coilpack is bust then two cylinders will stop firing, which is what put me onto the leads, but this clearly isn't the case. Thinking about it, each coil has two terminals so if something goes wrong with one then only one cylinder will stop firing. Certainly worth bearing in mind for the future.


Anyway, replacement leads had a lower resistance than the BBT ones so no bad thing to replace.

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