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vr thermostat help...

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hi all, after posting sometime ago i reckon i need a new thermostat as this one is sticking-


thermostat is for a 94-anyone know how much these are?

i have also read about getting a thermostat that works at lower temps or something- is this better for the engine?


also anyone tell me a few basic steps on getting this bugger out ?


aas usual all help is appreciated- i only relly ever post when i need help sorry if that pi$es folk off but i really am very grateful!!!!!

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they are about £15 from VW. I recommend you change all the plastic housings too, and the Crack pipe (from the water pump).

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The housing is a bit more than that - it's about £25, but it will come with new seals, which tend to perish with time so I doubt you'll be able to get the old one back on and NOT have it leak without it.

It's worth changing tho, on an older engine. I gained about 10 degrees of water temp headroom on the motorway after mine was swapped, which can only be a good thing.

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I gained about 10 degrees of water temp headroom on the motorway after mine was swapped, which can only be a good thing.


In other words you've seen a 10 degree reduction in water temperature? :roll:

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