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Late-style ABS light

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My ABS light fell apart in my hands earlier...particularly upsetting since I was unplugging it before my MOT and after it disintegrated I turned the ignition on and heard the ABS start up successfully :bonk:


So, anybody got a cheap one? Ta :)



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Unfortunately the MOT revealed fatal chassis rot so it will now be broken :( Thanks though.


You what? You can't be serious? :(

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I haven't had a good look yet as it's still at the garage but apparently the sills have been slowly rotting from the inside due to the (standard-issue...) holes in the back of both front arches. Needs a whole new floor pan so to be honest I've lost the will to keep fixing things. If I sorted this out and something else went I'd probably end up setting it on fire, it's safer for my sanity if I walk away.


I have the whole of another car's offside (from the front of the sill to the middle of the boot, about 16" deep) sat in my living room and a pair of OEM a-pillar repair panels (front of the sill all the way around the top of the door to the rear edge) so it could probably be done by someone with the will, but I've just reached my limit with it and doing anything more would be too painful.


Could easily be convinced to sell it whole if someone else wants a go, I've tons of history and bills into the five figures, along with multiple £k of spares. All the parts for the complete head rebuild that would have come next (chains, tensioners, Schimmel 263 cams, ceramic-coated Dubpower six-branch, plus some bits I had chromed) are also piled up in my house. But my heart's not in it :(


Luckily they aborted the MOT in the middle so it's not officially failed. I'll get it back tomorrow with the last day of its existing MOT and see what happens next...

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Not good to hear mate. Give it a few days before jumping into something youbmay regret. It's a fair amount of work but if you can find someone close by that knows what they're dodington the cheap, you may think differently.

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Hmmm...my nearside sill is rather rotten - I have a sill sitting so very soon i'm going to have to bite the bullet and open that can of worms.


Would be interested to see pics - hopefully it's not as bad as that and that you can find a friendly skilled welder to sort you out.



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