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M15 VW

Wiring woes

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Cross my palm with silver Lady-VW. £40 + £7 recorded delivery.

As for the loom its the wrong one, the car whilst it is a VR6 has the old interior, so wont be right for your car.

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Cross my palm with silver Lady-VW. £40 + £7 recorded delivery.

As for the loom its the wrong one, the car whilst it is a VR6 has the old interior, so wont be right for your car.


:( ok, will see if i can get one from somewhere else. How u want paying hunny?



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Image 82 is the VW dealer-fit alarm brain.


Image 79 is the connector for the abs brain.


The fuse-relay panel looks okay - all the plugs can only be fitted in one position in the panel so it's not possible to confuse them. It just needs to be fitted back in place, but the position of the looms coming off it is more worrying though, as they're going to need re-routing - a more involved job.

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