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Stonor Park 2015 (Sunday 31st May)

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So who else is likely to be at this event. Just had a look on CCGB and there are so far only 3 of us.... 7 more places to fill.


This will be the first time I have ever taken a car to a show and I'm sure I'm going to be left feeling inadequate by all the amazing cars ha-ha!


Be good to see a few of you there and put some faces to names.

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I've heard its a good show but was down there in the corrado a few weeks ago and it's a 450mile round trip!

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Yes, can do with a bit more support for this one, guys :)


Details on how to get tickets (on the cheap!!) over on the events list of the Corrado Club.



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I may be able to make this...Itll be in the daily though which is hardly stand material..

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Just read the entry rules for the concours entry and it says that all cars must be driven into the show and display a valid tax disc......might be a problem.

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I intend to have a nosey round for a few hours... It would be rude not to as its on my door step. But sadly no corrado for the stand... Will be in the BMW or if I'm feeling the love for the VW the polo :) too many other projects on so yet again corrado taking a back seat... :(

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Great sounds like there may be a few of you. I have the email address for Steve Neil who will arrange passes to get your car in - its £5 per car - that way you may be able to avoid sending form in and he said he will collect money on the day. Just needs an email with details of your car (and you of course and he will email a pass PM me if you want his details

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I won't be able to attend this one due to a clash with another commitment.


Wouldn't worry too much about the "valid tax disk" aspect, because that's most likely a left-over from the website text prior to the abolishment of tax disks.



Edited by Tempest

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Great sounds like there may be a few of you. I have the email address for Steve Neil who will arrange passes to get your car in - its £5 per car - that way you may be able to avoid sending form in and he said he will collect money on the day. Just needs an email with details of your car (and you of course and he will email a pass PM me if you want his details


PM on its way..


Will work nicely with my plans for that weekend.. Haven't been to Stonor in years, last time i was there i had a very large oil leak on the way home through a pressure switch, i hope it doesn't happen again..

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Im going to do my best to drag the family up for a day out. Wont be in the corrado unfortunately as still rebuilding the engine! Hopefully be able to find some good bits from the sellers, need quite a bit! Hope to meet a few of you on the day!

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Couple more have joined - will soon be only 5 places left! Yay - be good to meet people

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Pass arrived - looking forward to Sunday - hope the weather is kind

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I will be there as always but am on The Phirm's stand as I'm only in the Golf this year. Come to think about it, I was only in the Golf last year too..Corrado was Off the road then too. Hmmm. I'll definitely pop over and say hello though. Let's hope for some fine Stonor weather.

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I'm still coming but no corrado I'm afraid.


I'm weather watching... Looks wet Sunday... If it chucks it it could be a wash out...


Hope it doesnt.

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I'm also weather watching, the slightest sniff of rain for Sunday and my Corrado will be staying in the garage unfortunately.

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Well, yesterdays weather report was showing heavy rain all day but today its now showing light shower in the morning - hopefully by Saturday it will be showing sunshine all day!!! - well I can live in hope!

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Well, yesterdays weather report was showing heavy rain all day but today its now showing light shower in the morning - hopefully by Saturday it will be showing sunshine all day!!! - well I can live in hope!


Every time I've been to stonor the sun has had his hat on. But any hint of rain at stoner as its on a hill will turn into a mud bath.

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Every time I've been to stonor the sun has had his hat on. But any hint of rain at stoner as its on a hill will turn into a mud bath.



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That said - if its on a hill surely the rain will run away down the hill leaving it less muddy??


Although positive thinking...... Its NOT going to rain!

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