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BMC CDA reassembly failure.. SUSSED IT.

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Here’s a stupid question. Last year, I took apart my BMC CDA to clean / oil the filter element. Since then I’ve not been able to put it back on the car as it’s not actually possible to reassemble it! The rear piece of plastic ducting (that attaches to the MAF) fits back into the housing just fine, but front piece (that the filter element itself is pressed into) seems to be slightly misshapen and it is simply impossible to fit it back into the carbon body of the filter housing! I’ve literally spent hours on the thing trying to get it back in and seems to be slightly deformed just enough that it will not go back in.


I’ve tried hitting it with rubber mallet (but am afraid of smashing the carbon body of the filter housing), trimming a bit of the plastic off, tried lubricating the thing - it will not go in. I have the scars on my hands to prove it. Has anyone else had this problem? I think my only option is going to be to take it to a machine shop and get them to actually machine the thing ‘round’ as clearly, currently, it’s not!



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Have you tried turning the carbon body around? So putting it in the opposite end?


I know mine only lines up one way, mainly screw holes though. I put a red line on the body and the caps so i know which way they go.

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Yep. Endlessly. It simply will not go in no matter what I try. If I put the top and bottom halves together, I can see that the problem part is definitely less 'round' than the rear part. I guess the mystery is how it ever fitted in the first place, though I do remember it being extremely stiff / snug to remove originally.

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That is a weird one! Had 3 or 4 BMCs over the years and not come across that before. Maybe try warming ovalised part with a hair drier to make it pliable enough to slot back into the body?

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Yeah may try that Kev. Or may even pop it in the oven for a couple of minutes and try refitting wearing some oven gloves :)

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As above reoiled mine twice now but have never had a problem. I just struggle with the screws sometimes . Hope you have some luck with the oven 😎

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OK! So I stuck the thing in the oven, and tried to refit it and it was even worse. Had a slight eureka moment though when I realised if it was even worse after being heated up, perhaps putting it in the freezer might produce results. And lo and behold after 30 mins in the freezer, it fitted right in so the CDA is finally reassembled.


I can't tell you how long I spent trying to put this thing back together, and how many hand injuries I got too. Thank fcuk!! :)

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OK! So I stuck the thing in the oven, and tried to refit it and it was even worse. Had a slight eureka moment though when I realised if it was even worse after being heated up, perhaps putting it in the freezer might produce results. And lo and behold after 30 mins in the freezer, it fitted right in so the CDA is finally reassembled.


I can't tell you how long I spent trying to put this thing back together, and how many hand injuries I got too. Thank fcuk!! :)


Well done, u, Jim! :) :clap: :thumbleft:

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I preferred running the OE airbox when it was my daily, but now it's a 'fun' car I think the BMC can go on for a while ;)

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I preferred running the OE airbox when it was my daily, but now it's a 'fun' car I think the BMC can go on for a while ;)



Hmmmm....maybe I should fit my BMC CDA sitting inside the cardboard box on the ground floor now ...

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The noise is... superb :) Maybe I should try film a comparison.. before and after :)

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The noise is... superb :) Maybe I should try film a comparison.. before and after :)


Do it!


We want it filmed and sound on a GoPro4 please! :lol:

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Will my Canon EOS700D do?! It takes a pretty reasonable video.. not sure how well it'll capture in car induction noise though.

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Will my Canon EOS700D do?! It takes a pretty reasonable video.. not sure how well it'll capture in car induction noise though.





I have the :

1. VR6

2. OEM Airbox

3. K&N Cone filter




Just missing a GoPro to stick on the bonnet...


Plan was on a Sunday morning, I switch each of the 3 air filter in turn on a bypass and do a GoPro video/sound of each for comparison :thumbleft: :clap:





1. GoPro costs £100s :eek:

2. I worried it might muck up my current setting and will start to stall the car everyday again :shocked!:


So plans shelfed at the mo....





u NEED to DO it now! :)


Get the passenger to film it holding the camera outside the window!







PS: Get insurance or get your passenger to sign on dotted line! :lol:

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Hm.. I was hoping to go 'passenger free' but I don't have any kind of gorilla grip or mount that would work. Time for a quick trip to Amazon..

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I have had it fitted before.. just flip flopped a lot on whether I like it or not!

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Hm.. I was hoping to go 'passenger free' but I don't have any kind of gorilla grip or mount that would work. Time for a quick trip to Amazon..


Problem is without a passenger nor a FEATHER WEIGHT camera that is EASY to stabiliser with mounts - its going to be quite hard with a normal size camera...



certain a selfie stick will capture the noise (stick it thru the sunroof :lol: )

But, too much wind noise and video deffo blurry!


And risking an expensive CANON on a mountie ...? :eek: :shocked!:




Or i can suggest is either get a used GoPro

A new cheapest GoPro (abt £100)

Or a Chinese GoPro (about £30+) ...

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I have had it fitted before.. just flip flopped a lot on whether I like it or not!


Same here. Had it on for ages and then went back to airbox and panel filter. Think i will put it back on for remap and leave it on. Any little helps.

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Same here. Had it on for ages and then went back to airbox and panel filter. Think i will put it back on for remap and leave it on. Any little helps.


Why go back to OEM, Jim?

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Hm.. I was hoping to go 'passenger free' but I don't have any kind of gorilla grip or mount that would work. Time for a quick trip to Amazon..



Deffo get something similar to a GoPro! :clap:


Here s me

With my GoPro2

Guess the car :lol:

Recognise the area? :thumbleft:

Spot the copper! :eek:





PS: how does one embed YouTube video on forum??? :shrug:

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Why go back to OEM, Jim?


I had starting problems so was swapping things. I was doing the maf so just put airbox back on at the same time.


Still didn't fix the problem so hoping it's gone away when i get car back together.

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I had starting problems so was swapping things. I was doing the maf so just put airbox back on at the same time.


Still didn't fix the problem so hoping it's gone away when i get car back together.


Sorry to hijack your thread, Jim (the other one!)



So what u doing to fix it?


Mine had terrible stalling issues - stalled SIX times over one lunch hour! :eek:

But Zanky on here helped to clean to MAF, MAF connector, Throttle Body and ISV and that fixed it! :dance: :thumbleft:



After several weeks

It started to stall again - but not as often..


A spray of Contact Cleaner on the MAF connector stops the stalling for a few days! :o

But it could be other things as well :shrug:


So wanted to play about with my other air filters to see if that makes any difference ...

As well as maybe a new battery, change MAF ....list could go on n on :shocked!:

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Pretty sure you can get the MAF from Euro Car Parts for reasonable money. Proper Bosch one too.

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