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Reverend Frog

sunroof misaligned after removal

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Took my sunroof off yesterday after having tried the usual repair and when i replaced it, it now sits too low at the back and too high at the front.


when it's in the tilt position it's a good 1-2cm lower than it should be. How has this happened? surely it's a simple matter of aligning the four holes in the sunroof with the four holes in the slider mechanism?


I'm stumped

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to low at the back? make sure the two rear sunroof bolting points are sat above the metal tab and not under it, if you get me, thats all i can think of at the min.

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There is a thread from a while back . If you use the search , you will find it . Tells you all you need to know .

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Found it (from 2005!)- very helpful but missing one piece of information - the measurements for the cables in relation to the other parts of the sunroof mechanism when the sunroof is in the closed position. Does anyone know what they are?

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I'm still struggling mightily with this.


I've fixed the wee rocker on the passenger side, to sort out the problem with the damaged O ring.


I can slide the roof back OK but when i try to slide it back again (with the roof removed) the mechanisms on either side usually end up in totally different places. sometimes one side engages, sometimes the other, sometimes neither.


I'm sure that the cables that govern all this have become misaligned. You only need to look at how the mechanism sits in the tilted and closed positions to see something isn't right.


Can someone please tell me if I'm correct in assuming this, and how you can adjust it? I still don't fully understand how the whole mechanism works - what happens to the cables when you turn the motor etc.


I am fairly sure neither cable is broken.


and does the little air buffer that pops up have anything to do with it? Mind doesn't move


Here is the mechanism tilted fully forward (click to zoom on these)



and here it is in closed position.



Help! any ideas?

Edited by Reverend Frog

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