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headlight loom issue

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Hi guys and gals,



A few years ago, not long after we got our c, i fitted a 'uprated headlight loom' which has until recently been great. Obviously what with it being summer and all, we havent been using the car in the dark very much if at all for a few months so hadnt realised we'd developed a bit of an issue which was picked up at the mot......


For some reason the ns headlight was throwing a weird beam, mot man said bulb was in upside down, (he was wrong) and the os headlight main beam wouldnt work...... it also failed on some other stuff, so I took it home to sort it all out, and couldnt figure out what was up with the headlights.... im guessing ive lost a relay or something??? I unplugged the uprated loom and went back to the standard stuff and it all works fine, so no upside down or blown bulbs, but as soon as you reconnect the 'new' loom the problems reoccur.....


For now, ive pulled the fuses to the uprated loom and we're runnning on the standard set up, but it does make a lot of difference during the winter etc, so it would be nice to figure the problem out and fix it......


Anyone come across these symptoms before??





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hi pete


normally when cars with uprated looms are suffering issues it is due to a failed relay


they don't cost much from a local motor factors & are handy to keep a spare in the glove box


do you have a 2 relay or 3 relay loom?


reason i ask is the 3 relay looms have 1 relay for each side of normal beam headlight & then 1 for the high beam, whereas the 2 relay looms only have 1 relay for both sides of normal beam


i may be able to dig out a part number if you are struggling as i had a failed relay on my uprated loom in the spring

change the relays, check any fuses if the loom has them & then reconnect it all & should be ok

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Agreed. Replace the relays. They're almost always the cause of any aftermarket loom issues.

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Read off the numbers on them and order the same from eBay. Shouldn't be pricey, so get 2 sets.

Then just swap the connectors over and tuck everything somewhere where the water won't reach them. Had the same happen to mine a few months back, twice within a few weeks in fact.

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I put my relays into a waterproof plastic box to avoid them getting wet and dirty and causing this kind of problem - might be worth considering.

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