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New VW caps to fit Compomotives ?

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Afternoon all . I'm looking for some caps to replace the compomotive set I have . I've lost one and another is only just sat in place , not a great fit really . Has any body found a set of VW caps that fit that they can recommend to me ? .



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They don't exist. Sorry.


Don't worry though, I'll take the comps off your hands to save you the bother.....










Seriously though, what size are you needing? I've got some spare rota ones you could try for fit/size.

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Issue is the rear bearing caps stick out so VW caps wont work. I tried. You need something like the dome caps or there used to be a company that made flat style caps for Compomotive that you could maybe put VW badges in.

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Ok , thanks for the info gents . Looks like I will have to try and order a single comp cap off flea bay . They have various sizes on there of VW caps , I wonder if I could bond the caps onto the compomotive set , without it looking like a botch ? .

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