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Glovebox key?

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Am I missing a key for my glovebox? It obviously had a lock and I wondered if I should have a little key to turn it?


Not that bothered as likely to leave it open anyway.

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  lilfuzzer said:
your key for ignition and doors should be the one that opens it mate


Thanks, I'll have to try it. Never tried it before as it's obviously longer than the lock is deep.

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  fendervg said:
If it's all original locks it will be the same key for everything. It's in the manual.


Whilst I have a manual, I've never read it.

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  fendervg said:
Ha ha. RTFM. :)


Not heard RTFM for years. My mate used to work tech support for Pace modems from the dark days of dial up and was forever quoting RTFM to the punters. If only they knew what it meant. :)

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Yeah, takes me back to my early days in IT when a couple of guys I worked with who had been around since the early days of the Internet/ARPAnet used to say it all the time!

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  MZpog said:
Not heard RTFM for years. My mate used to work tech support for Pace modems from the dark days of dial up and was forever quoting RTFM to the punters. If only they knew what it meant. :)


ha ha that is a cracker!


im an IT guy & there are many acronym's & sayings


RTFE is a good variation - email at the end


I also liked "the issue is clearly between the seat & the keyboard" LOL

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