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dodgy deals

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I have had my 92VR6 advertised on auto trader, I am getting

enquiries from people abroad wanting to buy the car but all of them

are saying that they will pay by UK Cheque from a friend that owes

them money in the UK and they will arrange the shipping.

All seems very strange to me, has anyone else experienced this or

heard of anyone being ripped off this way.


Paul 92vr6/96 Storm

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whatever you do - dont reply!! if you do, then you've just confirmed to them that your email address is valid and you can expect to be hassled again and again and again..... :mad:

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yip i would just ignore them............as its deffo a scam.............. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I recently advertised my 205 GTi on ebay and had similar emails - one from West Africa, one from Martin Grew in Holland, both saying their shipping agents would arrange payment.


I took the view that if they wanted to waste my time then I'd waste theirs, sent a mail back saying that the Peugeot was sold but I did have the following for sale:


1964 Morris Minor


Pale blue with dark blue leather


1275cc Midget engine and Toyota Corolla 5 speed box


4 spoke revolutions


Automatic air con - as the car is narrow the driver can reach both front window winders with ease, when the interior gets hot the driver automatically opens the windows to cool the interior, this air con system elimanates unreliable and costly electronics


To maximise the performance from the Midget engine I have fitted 4 perfectly round tyres


Although I was going to sell the car for £2450 I would be prepared to sell it to him for £2150 as it was very exciting to see my old car being shipped abroad


Amazingly, I received a reply today saying that he wanted the car and that his shipping agent will be in touch


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LOL - well thats brightened up a dull afternoon.


Very funny :D :D

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he even sent me a cheque the problem with it is it's from a childrens homeless charity and the homeless is spelt wrong. Problem is how the hell do you get rid of them because abuse will not work. love the reply by the way.



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just waste his time then. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: .........ie......tell him the bank wont accept the chq due to the typo.........then when he sends out a new one have another reason for it not being accepted........but WHATEVER you do.....DO NOT actually put the cheque into any account whatsoever

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Common scam then? Guy from Australia has offered to buy my brother-in-law's V-Max, £2000, plus he will send £3000 extra to cover cost of shipping to Australia...

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Common scam then? Guy from Australia has offered to buy my brother-in-law's V-Max, £2000, plus he will send £3000 extra to cover cost of shipping to Australia...


Yep, read about this in the Press recently, not sure how it works, but they always offer to over-pay, human nature being what it is people get involved and get very ripped off.

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